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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tags php & tools

April 2008

Delphi for PHP

by 3 others (via)
# The only development solution for drag-and-drop visual design for PHP # Build data-driven Web applications with broad database connectivity # Create AJAX-enabled Web 2.0 pages and sites # Everything you need in a PHP development environment including a powerful code editor, debugger, profiler, database tools and much more # Use the VCL for PHP component library with more than 70 visual components to speed development and extend it with your own components # New version! See what's new in Delphi for PHP 2.0

March 2008

Sniffing refactoring needs

by 2 others (via)
While still messing around with the PHP_CodeSniffer Pear package, I took a somehow jealous 1000 feet look at some prominent code inspection tools of the Java community: PMD and Checkstyle. Browsing their available rule sets/checks I soon recognized that guaranteeing the coding standard adherence is just a partial aspect of these tools. The following post will focus on one of these additional aspects, which is finding problems related to the code size of the inspected code artifacts, by showing how to port two selected rules to sniffs for utilization with the PHP_CodeSniffer tool. These ported sniffs can be used to automatically spot obvious code smells in the code base and to signal the need to apply the appropriate and odour reducing activity known as refactoring. Further more a complete set of code size sniffs, going beyond the trageted realm of the sniffs to come, could be used to speed up the feedback loop and to reduce the effort for manual code reviews.

March 2007

Oxyscripts - PHP Development, tutorials, articles, news, programming, scripts and forums.

How to debug a project No matter how good a coder you are, you will face errors one day or another - even if you use symfony. Detecting and understanding errors is one key of fast application development. Fortunately, symfony provides several debug tools for the developer.

October 2006

PHP Security Consortium: PHPSecInfo

by 8 others
The idea behind PHPSecInfo is to provide an equivalent to the phpinfo() function that reports security information about the PHP environment, and offers suggestions for improvement.

August 2006

PHP Tag Engine - Trac

by 6 others
PHP Tag Engine is a library that allows you to easily add tagging functionality to a PHP application.