public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tag web

August 2010

Jiwa, streaming et Majors : NKM admet enfin que l'offre légale n'est pas attractive

NKM : "Il y a un très gros problème actuellement d'asymétrie sur un marché, qui est un marché privé : celui de l'accès au catalogue. Ce sont des 'gros' qui détiennent la musique, et la négociation est très difficile avec les 'petits' diffu­seurs que sont par exemple les web radios"

June 2010

Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom

by 1 other
Facebook still uses PHP, but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on its web servers, thus boosting performance.

Blog | Symfony2 Online Conference | symfony | Web PHP Framework

Yesterday and the day before, Sensio Labs organized the first Symfony2 online conference. It was a great success with more than 350 attendees (from over 35 different countries), and a dozen hubs around the world. Thankfully, the platform worked fine.

April 2010

Êtes-vous prêt à réencoder vos vidéos en VP8

on est pas prêt de voir émerger un standard !

February 2010

L’HTML5 et la nouvelle guerre des formats

un flasheur n’est pas un designer, ni un web développeur, c’est un véritable métier à part entière.

January 2010

Official Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website

Feeds make it easy to follow updates to all kinds of webpages, from blogs to news sites to Craigslist queries, but unfortunately not all pages on the web have feeds. Today we're rolling out a change in Google Reader that lets you create a custom feed to track changes on pages that don't have their own feed.

Design Patterns and Refactoring

by 1 other
SourceMaking — is the best information source on the Web on such software development topics as design patterns, refactoring and UML. A lot of information freely available through the site's pages, so feel free to use bookmarklet to leave interesting chapters for further reading. You may start browsing the site by following one of these topics:

August 2009

Tech heroes of the past: Where are they now? | Royal Pingdom

Have you ever wondered what the guy who invented the World Wide Web is up to these days? What about the guys who created Photoshop, or the one who created the PHP scripting language?

Web retro: The first stumbling steps of back in 1994-1998 | Royal Pingdom

This is what Microsoft’s homepage looked back in 1994 when it was first launched, and its evolution during the following years.

March 2009

InfoQ: Tim Bray on the Future of the Web

by 1 other (via)
Tim Bray talks about why he is not convinced with the buzz surrounding Rich Internet Applications and shares his ideas on Cloud Computing. He also expresses his opinion regarding the debate REST vs. WS-* and the future directions web technologies will be taking.

Tech Your Universe » PHP vs Java vs C/C for web applications

For the other 99.9% of web applications, scripting languages or C/C is a better choice, and the complexity that Java introduces is despicable, and in my opinion, making the choice for Java is doing a disservice to your company in terms of cost (both development time and hardware).

February 2009

Firefox 3.1 for developers - MDC

Firefox 3.1 introduces a number of new features, as well as additional and improved support for a wide variety of web standards. This article offers an extensive list, with links to articles covering the major improvements.

Le jour où le Web refusa le navigateur Internet Explorer 6

by 1 other
Mon titre est un peu accrocheur et inexact mais il témoigne d’un mouvement d’origine norvégienne de ras-le-bol généralisé vis-à-vis d’Internet Explorer 6, le navigateur de Microsoft véritable cauchemar vivant de tout webmaster un tant soit peu respectueux des standards.

Bug Google : les internautes ont arrêté de surfer

Le bug qui a frappé la page recherche de Google samedi dernier, entre 14h27 et 15h25 GMT, permet de mesurer tout le poids pris par le moteur de recherche dans nos habitudes d'internautes. Ainsi, c'est rien moins qu'une baisse de 21 % du trafic web qui a, alors, été engendrée, avec des pics à près de 30 % d'effondrement.

January 2009

Generateurs web 2.0 : Generez le web

by 2 others (via)
Generateurs Web 2.0, repertorie tous les generateurs qui rendent notre travail sur la toile plus facile ou plus amusant.

Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

by 1 other
Over the last months, we’ve analyzed numerous Web designs, observing emerging trends and weighing the merits of numerous design decisions and coding solutions. In this post, we present Web design trends for 2009: recent developments, new design elements and new graphic approaches. We also discuss situations in which these trends can be used and present some beautiful examples.

Royal Pingdom » Why CDNs are great for the Internet, and it’s not for the reason you think

CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are becoming increasingly popular. The obvious benefit is that they can help websites to give end users a speedier web surfing experience, but there is also another very positive side effect for the entire Internet, and it will become more noticeable the more common CDNs become. The positive side effect is this: More CDN usage means less load on the Internet backbone.

Ajaxian » “I won’t support IE 6 in 2009″

by 1 other
Still far too high a percentage and enough to make you grown. Also, the last few pounds are the hardest to lose. The good news for me is that on most Web applications that I personally work, and definitely those that I work on in early 2009 will have much different numbers.

December 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | symfony 1.2 is already available

by 1 other
Today is the day a great portion of the community has been waiting for, even without knowing that it will be today. As our early Christmas present, we finalized the 1.2 release of symfony after some weeks of hard work. We will be revealing more presents soon, stay tuned :-)

November 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfErrorHandlerPlugin | 1.0.4

by 1 other (via)
Aims to catch and deal with most, if not all, errors within Symfony

September 2008

Royal Pingdom » The Web back in 1996-1997

To give you some perspective, in 1996… * didn’t exist yet. * In January 1996 there were only 100,000 websites, compared to more than 160 million in 2008. * The web browser of choice was Netscape Navigator, followed by Microsoft Internet Explorer as a distant second (Microsoft launched IE 3 in 1996). * Most people used dial-up Internet connections with mighty speeds ranging from 28.8Kbps to 34.4Kbps. Highly modern 56Kbps modems would arrive in 1997. * People had only recently started to switch from 640×480 to 800×600 screen resolutions.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | symfony Camp 2008 - Day 1

After lunch, Dustin Whittle talked about the "Lessons learned at Yahoo" and Fabian Lange gave some tips on "symfony performance". That was enough for symfony. So, Jonathan Wage came on stage to talk about Doctrine.