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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tags php & javascript

July 2008

Conventions de programmation : la nécessaire maturité - La Case de l'Oncle Tom

Tout développeur, que ce soit à l’école ou en apprenant sur le tas, écrit du code. J’espère n’avoir perdu personne à ce stade de l’explication ;-) Inconsciemment on cherchera à utiliser un style d’écriture avec lequel on se sent à l’aise, qu’on pourra et saura relire facilement et dans le meilleur des cas, qui pourra être relu par une autre personne sans avoir à engager d’interprète. Tout développeur tend donc à utiliser des conventions de programmation (coding standards), que ce soit en HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript ou même en Cobol. Et utiliser des conventions, c’est bien !

April 2008

PHP.JS Licensing

by 6 others
A lot of people are familiar with PHP's functions, and though Javascript functions are often quite similar, some functions may be missing or addressed differently. The Javascript implementations should be as compliant with the PHP versions as possible, a good indication is that the PHP function manual could also apply to the Javascript version.

March 2008

The PHP-Ext Open Source Project

by 1 other (via)
PHP-Ext is an open source widget library written for PHP 4 and 5 to empower the UI Layer. It is based on Ext JS javascript widgets which provide a standard and powerful API to build Rich Internet Applications. It basically works as a convenient wrapper for the Ext JS Javascript Objects. Among other features, PHP-Ext provides useful and common controls to create forms, rich comboboxes, powerful grids and menus. It also promotes the use of JSON and XML client/server communication to populate forms and grids using Ajax. Additionally it has a Javascript helper to ease the javascript code generation and use. This project still in beta so keep comming for the final release. Take a look at the samples. Feel free to download the src and samples to try it out and don't forget to write back your comments and suggestions. PHP-Ext Open Source Project |

ExtPHP: An ExtJS Converter/Wrapper for PHP Developers

by 1 other (via)
t is something that I had to think about in my day job, because my team is migrating to PHP for web development and I believe that we simply do not have enough time for them to learn JavaScript’s intricacies, I needed to be the one person who would have to wrestle JavaScript when problems happened. I therefore needed a way to insulate them from the gory details, which is why I created ExtPHP. As you may have guessed from subtle hints, such as this entry’s 12-feet tall header, ExtPHP creates a PHP wrapper for ExtJS