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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags search & web


❤️ 🛠 BOKMARKLETS - ImgOps > Image Bookmarklets / Firefox Addon

Useful bookmarklet apps for online photos. But seems not working... You can use (FireFox) which provide this tool too and many other - Fully Customisable: Image Search Options ImgOps : Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. Enable Save: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


SEARCh - TRICKS - Make Your Web Searches Better With These Top Tips

Learn how to search the web to find the results you need

GOOGLE - PRIVACY - Google may track your location even if you disable Location tracking - gHacks Tech News

There is a way to disable the saving of data. Users need to point their browsers to Google's Activity Controls web page. There they may turn off Web / App Activity, and Location History. Note that disabling the features may result in functionality loss; some Google services may provide less-personalized results when you pause the two features. Tip: You can pause all sorts of activity recorders on the site including the YouTube Watch and Search History as well. Check out our overview of Google's Activity Controls here. Pausing Web & App Activity, and Location History seems to be the only way that prevents Google from recording location-based information.


ADDON - SEARCH - How to use S-mall Search : S-mall Search

How to use S-mall Search S-mall Search is a Firefox addon. This addon adds the refine search tool to web pages. - Adding a supported page: pageinfo:The user can add a supported page by writing pageinfo. The pageinfo is Object written in JSON and has the following keys

BITTORRENT - LOG - OPEN SOURCE - qBittorrent download |

An advanced and multi-platform BitTorrent client with a nice Qt user interface as well as a Web UI for remote control and an integrated search engine. qBittorrent aims to meet the needs of most users while using as little CPU and memory as possible.

SEARCH - LIST - Deep Web Search Engines | Deep Web Search - A How-To Site

by 1 other (via)
After you brick wall there, your true deep web search begins. You need to know something about your topic in order to choose the next tool. To be fair, some of these sites have improved their index-ability with Google and are now technically no longer Deep Web, rather kind-of-deep-web. However, there are only a few that have done so. I recommend you use your browsers ‘search’ option to locate on this page your topic of interest, as the page has gotten long.Last updated July 12, 2016


GOOGLE - 7.2 - Request Format

The information in this section helps you create custom searches for your web site. By using search parameters, special query terms and filters in your search requests, you can refine and enhance searches to serve your needs

GOOGLE - SEARCH -Définir la zone géographique ciblée sur Google | Le Référencement

Heureusement, les sites locaux des moteurs de recherche favorisent l’encodage et proposent en option cette restriction de recherche locale qui est rarement utilisée. Prenons par exemple le cas de : La recherche est automatiquement proposée en français et peut offrir un contenu non francophoneé&btnG=Recherche+Google&meta= En cochant l’option Pages francophones un nouveau paramètre s’ajoute &meta=lr%3Dlang_fr et on aura des résultats ne proposant qu’un contenu francophone. En cochant Pages : France un nouveau paramètre s’ajoute cr%3DcountryFR et qu’est ce qui va changer ? Comment Google pourrait deviner la géolocalisation d’un site web ?…


Hit Listing - le site de toutes les listes - Abondance : Référencement et moteurs de recherche

Hit Listing est un outil, mêlant les concepts d'annuaire et de moteur de recherche, qui a pour vocation de recenser toutes les listes disponibles sur le Web... Créé par l'équipe qui gère le site "Besoin d'infos", Hit Listing se veut être le site de toutes les listes : "il y a une liste pour tout et elle est ici !" annonce son fondateur Renaud Lacroix : des palmarès, des classements, des conseils et des sélections de sites internet sont au rendez-vous. Près de 270.000 listes sont disponibles dés le lancement de cette version Bêta.


Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb

by 7 others
In order to start researching like a librarian, you'll need to explore more authoritative resources, many of which are invisible. Note: Although some of the following resources are visible and indexed, they have all been included here because of their aut

Why People Link to Wikipedia

The main reason behind Wikipedia's high ranking in Google search is that people link to Wikipedia articles. It may seem strange that people choose to link to Wikipedia instead of other sites, but the "free encyclopedia that anyone can edit" has many selli

Resurrect Pages_Probleme__Extention Searches through five big page cache/mirrors

by 1 other
Dead pages, broken links, the scourge of the internet. Powerhouse sites like Slashdot and Digg can bring a server to its knees. What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it? Call in the clerics, and perform a resurrection ceremony! Or, th