public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags search & liste



Locate My Name will help you find distribution of names across countries and regions. The site mainly focuses on surnames, because more people with the same surname in a place, means something: either those people are in the region since long ago and the name originates from there or nearby, or members of the same family for some reason relocated there. We also have information for first names, but this this is mainly used for entertainment and curiosity and it has no historical value. To start with a surname, choose a country from the right or use the search function. If you are interested in firstnames, check the list here.


Hit Listing - le site de toutes les listes - Abondance : Référencement et moteurs de recherche

Hit Listing est un outil, mêlant les concepts d'annuaire et de moteur de recherche, qui a pour vocation de recenser toutes les listes disponibles sur le Web... Créé par l'équipe qui gère le site "Besoin d'infos", Hit Listing se veut être le site de toutes les listes : "il y a une liste pour tout et elle est ici !" annonce son fondateur Renaud Lacroix : des palmarès, des classements, des conseils et des sélections de sites internet sont au rendez-vous. Près de 270.000 listes sont disponibles dés le lancement de cette version Bêta.



Google Cheat Sheets (Version 1.05)

by 6 others
This two page Google Cheat Sheet lists all Google services and tools as well as background information. The Cheat Sheet offers a great reference to grasp of basic to advance Google query building concepts and ideas.

Listible! - About : is a new way to get relevant resources quickly.

by 1 other
Listible is a new way to get relevant resources quickly. By using Web 2.0 features such as AJAX, folksonomy (tagging), social elements such as voting/commenting and the listible's listonomy (listing), resources can be sorted in a way that will be digestib

Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications |_Virtual Karma: Rian's blog

by 36 others
Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications Following is an alphabetically sorted list of popular Web 2.0 applications. The description for each of the application is taken from their own About or FAQ pages.

BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine

by 114 others
bookmar en ligne , avec plusieurs possibilitées interressantes (watch list, partage de site ets...)