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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags privacy & addon


FIR - SECURITY + PRIVACY - Firefox Configuration Guide for Privacy Freaks and Performance Buffs |

There is a huge selection of Firefox add-ons for tweaking privacy and security, some of the most popular of which are Adblock Plus and it’s many derivatives, NoScript, Flashblock, Ghostery, Web of Trust, BetterPrivacy, Lightbeam, Disconnect, Self-Destructing Cookies, Cookies Manager+, Request Policy, Policeman, Bluhell Firewall, RefControl, Smart Referer, HTTPS Everywhere and many, many others. With some possible exceptions, we won’t be using any of these, yet will retain much of the most important functionality offered by most of them with just a few add-ons, along with a plethora of changes to our Firefox configuration.


ANTi PUBS - µBlock, une alternative sérieuse à AdBlock ? | Kaio

extension uBlock dont le but est de bloquer les publicités sur le web un peu à la manière d’AdBlock mais j’entends dire lis que uBlock, c’est mieux qu’AdBlock parce que ça consomme moins de mémoire.


Q: I'm worried by the fact some sites require the domain to be whitelisted. I'd prefer not to allow it everywhere, but only on some parent sites I trust. How can I do it? __ A: You can use ABE to this effect, by adding the following rule to your NoScript Options|Advanced|ABE USER ruleset: Site __ Accept INCLUSION from SELF++ ___ Accept INCLUSION from ____ Deny ___ Notice the leading dot "." before domains, which is syntactic sugar for *, i.e. a domain and its subdomains. ____ It should also be noted that, independently from this rule, external scripts are never loaded from pages which don't belong to a whitelisted site, hence no malicious website you didn't explicitly whitelisted could execute scripts from anyway. ___

FIR CONFIG - ANTI PUB - Le kit de base du surf tranquille 2 | Sans Pseudo Fix

06 - 02 - 201Presque trois ans après le premier kit de base du surf tranquille, il est temps de voir les nouveautés et les changements. Parce que oui, l’informatique est un domaine en constant mouvement, et qu’il faut s’adapter.


OptimizeGoogle - Remplaçant de "CustomizeGoogle" adandonné ....Il fonctionne dans Firefox 3.6.

Si le module CustomizeGoogle (pour Firefox) vous manquait, prenez son remplaçant, OptimizeGoogle. On peut virer les pubs, faire une recherche sans pagination, forcer HTTPS, ajouter automatiquement des liens vers Wikipedia,WaybackMachine, anonymiser le cookie Google lors des recherches, supprimer le suivi des clics, filtrer définitivement certains résultats de recherche, etc.