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📛 Adblock / Privacy / VPN 📺 Movies / TV / Anime / Sports 🎵 Music / Podcasts / Radio 🎮 Gaming / Emulation 📗 Books / Comics / Manga 📱 Android 💾 Downloading 🌀 Torrenting 🔧 Tools / Misc. 💬 Discord 📂 Server Backup


REDIRECT - Adblock Plus - FireStorage Plus! + Firebug - Stopping Redirects On tube8 - Apr 11, 2015

Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:09 am try these steps: in firefox 1.install firebug 2.install ... rage-plus/ 3.go to the new firebug icon or right click the page and "inspect element with firebug" the last tab: "FireStorage Plus!" 6.go to localStorage tab 7.see the element: InfNumFastPopsExpire (which has an expired date like ==> Sat Apr 11 2015 21:55:27 GMT+0200) 8.right click that row and choose edit 9.change the year to 2020, confirm ok

Adblock Plus • View topic - The Impossible Ad (popup discussion)

he right way is to edit your hosts. 1: Go to your hosts located in C:WindowsSystem32driversetc. 2: Open notepad, drag and drop hosts to notepad. 3: Go to the end of the lines, and add this: 4: Save hosts, and close (Or close, and when asks to save, save it). The IP ( is Google IP. You can add any IP sites you want. No system restart needed. For me is working. I have added in this way all social sites, and others.

ANTi PUBS - µBlock, une alternative sérieuse à AdBlock ? | Kaio

extension uBlock dont le but est de bloquer les publicités sur le web un peu à la manière d’AdBlock mais j’entends dire lis que uBlock, c’est mieux qu’AdBlock parce que ça consomme moins de mémoire.

FIR CONFIG - ANTI PUB - Le kit de base du surf tranquille 2 | Sans Pseudo Fix

06 - 02 - 201Presque trois ans après le premier kit de base du surf tranquille, il est temps de voir les nouveautés et les changements. Parce que oui, l’informatique est un domaine en constant mouvement, et qu’il faut s’adapter.


GOOGLE - Adblock : How to Disable Google Suggest

Cookies aren't always reliable and sometimes a small change corrupts them. If you use an ad-blocking plug-in like AdBlock Plus for Firefox, add a new filter with the following format: http://clients** A filter that will disable Google Suggest in Google Video and YouTube has the following format:* Here's a more general filter that should work for all international domains: http://*.google.*/complete/search?*

ADDS - Adblock Plus • View topic - video problems

â–ş Video Problems.... â–ş Full screen capability is disabled when an adblocker is detected. â–ş Just drop the "DIV". â–ş A script creates a random Style." ... style=" and inputs itself into the html of the page ... â–ş CSS SOLUTION :[style="position: absolute; width: 100%; min-height: 90px; left: 0%; bottom: 40px; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0px; z-index: 999;"]

iRadar: Useful Free Tool: Use OpenDNS to Block Ads

Tired of online ads like I am? I have Firefox’s Adblock Plus and Safari AdBlock installed on my computer, but it becomes rather annoying to keep installing these applications on my multiple machines as well as every time I format them. To make ad blocking simpler I opted to use OpenDNS to block ads on the DNS level. To make this hack work you must configure your router to use OpenDNS’s servers (trust me you will want to do this anyway – their servers are FAST!) by following the OpenDNS tutorials. Secondly you must signup for a free OpenDNS account so you can setup network filters.


Tutorial : Greasemonkey Recipe Book for Greasemonkey

Example Greasemonkey script below. The only things that need to be changed are bolded italic. In short, the XPath that identifies the top-level DIV, the XPath that identifies the DIV containing the content you want to display, and a list of XPath's that you want to remove.


Adblock Plus - Dynamic Apply Button | userstyles.org___Last updated Jun 24 2008

Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Adblock Plus. Why show a button that you can't click!? Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2 Integrates With the Following Styles: + Adblock Plus - Custom Filterlist Window Background + Adblock Plus - Visual Alert if Disabled + Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button Window Applied to:


Adblock.txt : liste de filtres RegExp pour l'extension Adblock Plus (Mozilla, Firefox)

by 1 other
Sur cette page nous parlerons d'exploiter au maximum les possibilités d'Adblock, et de détailler quelques subtilités du filtrage de la pub. (Pour éviter tout malentendu, je tiens à préciser que ce site n'est pas le site officiel d'Adblock, qui lui s

AdblockPlus _ fitrefox1.5- Geckozone - Extensions en français pour Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird et Nvu

Adblock Plus est dérivée (fork) d'Adblock. Elle fonctionne donc de la même manière mais rajoute quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires dont voici une liste non exhaustive (pour davantage d'explications, veuillez vous référer au menu d'aide .

Adblock Filterset.G Updater - All Releases_Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:

by 3 others
This is a companion extension to Adblock and should be used in conjunction with it. This extension automatically downloads the latest version of Filterset.G every 4-7 days. Filterset.G is an excellent set of filters maintained by G for Adblock that blocks