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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags linux & ubuntu


MultiSystem - How To Boot 10 Different Live CDs From 1 USB Flash Drive - How-To Geek

Ever get the urge to try out a bunch of Linux distros at once? Maybe you’re hosting a Linux installation party. Here’s an easy way to get a bunch of Live CDs working from a single thumb drive. 10 Distributions, You Say? MultiSystem is a really easy tool made to run on Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distros that you can use to play with various LiveCDs at once, or to create the ultimate recovery device. If you don’t use Ubuntu, you can use an Ubuntu Live CD to install MultiSystem so that you can create your super live USB drive without having to run Linux as your main OS. It’s best to download your ISOs ahead of time, and select a USB drive large enough to house them all. I actually went with an 8 GB SD card (used via a USB adapter). Here are some of the popular and interesting distros I used.


LINUX - Un patch qui boost les performances des Linux Desktop - Korben

Linux est connu pour être l’un des OS les plus rapide du marché. Alors quand on voit que même Linus Torvalds s’excite sur un patch pour le kernel qui divise par 10 les temps de latence sur les linux desktop, on ne peut aussi que mouiller sa culotte de joie (voir pire pour les barbus).En effet, ce patch qui sera probablement déployé dans le kernel 2.6.38 a été développé par Mike Galbraith. Ce dernier en seulement 233 lignes de code a réalisé une « killer feature » qui optimise la distribution des tâches au CPU, evitant ainsi l’engorgement et du coup les temps de latence lors par exemple, du chargement d’une page web. Edit : Une technique proposant les mêmes améliorations sans avoir à recompiler le noyau est dispo pour Redhat et Ubuntu.

Planet Libre - le libre, la sécurité, Linux, tutoriels.... à visiter!

Blog qui parle de Libre, de GNU/Linux mais aussi le blog d'un developpeur web. Un blog geek pour vous faire decouvrir la toile.


QuickStart Configures Your Ubuntu System Without Terminal Work

Linux only: QuickStart, a free automation utility for Ubuntu Linux systems, makes it easy to perform partial or full system backups of any partition, synchronize folders and update them on a schedule, and take care of other tasks a beginner would normally need to spend serious time researching. The tiny app opens a simple interface listing your choices, although dialog prompts guide you through any steps requiring input. The tools for installing DVD playing codecs, backing up your Master Boot Record, and creating synchronized backups seem particularly helpful, and while I haven't tested every function, a handful of them completed without any problems. QuickStart is a free download for Ubuntu systems only; both links below carry non-terminal installation instructions for the script.

Unlock USB Support for VirtualBox in Ubuntu Hardy Heron__LINUX___Ubuntu Unleashed blog

Step-by-step instructions on installing and configuring VirtualBox with support for plug-in devices. It's specific to the newest Ubuntu and a little bit more than the "five easy steps"