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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags interface & menu


FIREFOX - DEV - BROWSER TOOLBOX - change color of firefox bookmarks menu -

you can use Firefox menu->Developer->BrowserToolbox to examine UI elements and play with CSS. After you open it, click OK in the main browser window, wait a few seconds for the toolbox to initiliaze, then use the first button in its toolbar to pick an element (bookmarks button in your case).


Advanced URL Builder - Création d'URL Avancé - Extension Recherche - Modules pour Firefox

Ajouter le texte sélectionné à l'URL de votre site préféré vous permettant de soumettre une requête à n'importe quel site Web. . Par exemple - mettre en évidence un toponyme / code postal et ouvrir en utilisant Google Maps . beaucoup plus facile et rapide à utiliser que d'ajouter des moteurs de recherche à la recherche de cadre Instructions: Sélectionnez un texte, faites un clic droit et choisissez une adresse URL que vous avez définis pour l'ouvrir. Disponible en: cs-CZ/de-DE/en-GB/en-US/es-ES/fr-FR/nl-NL/pl-PL/pt-BR BabelZillians Merci;)


Flickr - Transparent Navigation Menus (WOW!) |

Flickr site navigation menus, You Home Organize Contacts Groups Explore, will be transparent... WOW! This style improves page visibility, allowing you to see all the web content behind the transparency. This makes Flickr even more awesome! * Thanks to b0at for the Google Autohide Dots: Search and Account Options, upon which I got the idea for this style! Features: + You Home Organize Contacts Groups and Explore will be transparent. + Menus will become more opaque when they are hovered over with the mouse cursor + You will be able to see the images and text behind the header menu (see thru) until hovered over Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Better Flickr Hyperlink Visited Color nav menus are also known as candy Changelog: + Added Transparency to the Search menu dropdown box


Menu Editor_extention firefox

Rearrange or remove menuitems from the main context menu (right-click menu) and main menubar (File, Edit, View, etc.).