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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags flickr & user

02 September 2015 13:30

UserScript: Quick link to Flickr Url and HTML code for images. |

This is a very basic user script that puts the url of the image you want in the image thumbnail as your browsing the site, it also adds a textarea to enable you to copy the html straight into your blog post without clicking through to the image

22 April 2015 09:15

FLICKR HACK - OLD DESIGN (update avr 2015) - FlickrHackr - elmofoto

Update: April 5, 2014 (added new and improved user agent string) 888 In the User Agent field, copy and paste the following exactly: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0) Opera 12.14 How to Suppress the March 2014 Flickr Photo Page Redesign in Chrome & Firefox Browsers to Make Text Readable Once Again

13 March 2010 18:00

06 March 2010 17:30

Pipes: Flickr Social - returns a feed of comments on photographs posted by user

Based on a Flickr username (not user id), returns a feed of comments on photographs posted by user together with the any comments a user has posted to other photographs. Filter out the any comments posted on any photographs that are not posted by the user such that popular photographs of other people won't also show up on the same feed, which as it often does,

06 March 2010 07:15

amf | blog » Flickr group admin hack - a javascript that changes the url of the promote button

Do you know how to interact through all the HTML a tags of the document.body and replace the text in each href attribute using javascrit? No? So this page is not for you. Use it at your own risk. It's basicaly a javascript that changes the url of the promote button so you can click no a user on members tab and that user go to moderators tab instead of admins tab.

24 October 2009 17:15

Flickr: Discussing FlickFaver - easy way to track your contact favorites in Flickr API

Hi all. I've created simple app, it collects all your contacts favorites on one page. It greatly simplifies the search for good photos.

21 September 2009 07:30

SML Wiki: Interestingness(note: work in progress)

Interestingness is a media (images, videos, etc) ranking algorithm to provide as an additional metric for search results. The algorithm is based upon an algorithm created by the Flickr team, and is further enhanced by metadata knowledge resulted from the development. The algorithm was first unveiled publicly on Flickr on 2005-08-01.1 SML.SML: Interestingness = f(views, faves, comments, tags, time, user, network relationships); The ranking is based on one or more of the following factors: * the quantity of user-entered metadata2 (i.e. tags) * the number of users who have assigned metadata3 * the number of favorites assigned to the photo4 * relationship between the person who uploaded the photo and the people who are commenting5 * access patterns related to the media object6 (i.e. where the clickthroughs are coming from; who comments on it and when)7 * a lapse of time related to the media object8 (i.e. velocity of metadata acquisition)

30 July 2009 07:30

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: Flickr More Sparkles in Flickr Hacks

This is a gm script that will add sparklines for the last 28 days views of each photos (if stats are enabled for you)

22 February 2009 17:15

Flickr Fav Set in Flickr Hacks____Flickr: Discussing GM Script

Flickr Fav Set allows you to manage your favorites using FavSet, is a set for favorites. For more details, see this post or tutorial (available in Japanese/English). Here is some screenshots of my favorites page after installed script.

12 February 2009 22:00

List Non-Mutual Contacts____Flickr: Discussing in Flickr Hacks

You don't need a script to do this. It's part of the Contact List page drop down menu. Just go to

27 October 2008 21:45

Flickr: Discussing GM script: Flickr Photoset RSS Feed Links in Flickr Hacks

Install the Install scriptFlickr photoset feed links Greasemonkey script. After installing the script, when visiting a flickr user's photoset page, you will see the feed links at the bottom of the page. Clicking on these links will take you to the RSS feed of that photoset, to which you may then subscribe.

09 October 2008 16:30

Flickr Cross-Recommendations –

Adds a "People who faved this also faved..." panel to photos on Flickr

03 October 2008 06:45

FlickrMailManager –

Adds some options to help manage your Flickr mailbox. Including "Mark all as read" and delete all Notification emails, such as "you are x's newest contact" and Group Invitations, and also a "Nuke mailbox" function, that deletes all your mails

Flickr: Inline text editor - for photo comments, groups + help forum –

Lets you easily re-edit or delete your flickr group, help forum and photo comments without leaving the current page you are on. Features Inline Edit : When you click the edit button of a comment under a photo, in a group or in the help forum a textarea is inserted where your post was, containing your post, enabling you to quickly edit and resubmit it without leaving the page you are on. Particularly useful for group admins. Search and Replace : Lets you search and replace text in your post. Inline Delete : The script changes the delete link below group or forum posts and photo comments, so that it deletes the post without leaving the current page, especially useful for group adminstrators. Updates 19th March 2008 : updated to work with latest version of GM 23rd May 2008 : updated to work with all international versions of the site :) 5th June 2008 : updated to work on photo comments

03 October 2008 06:30

warn+delete GreasmonkeyScript By Schmickr:

warn+delete : Send messages to group members and optionally eject or ban them at the same time. This script is a modified version of Steeev's famous script. My version lets you save messages with a label to make it easier to identify saved messages. It also has less aggressive defaults.

03 October 2008 06:00

Flickr: Discussing Flickr linked @reply (GM script) in Flickr Hacks

Adds a little (reply) button beneath the buddy icon of the author of every post/comment in a Flickr photo/photoset/group/forum discussion. Clicking (reply) inserts into your reply HTML-code that displays the commenter's username and links back to the comment being replied to. The script works in group discussions, help fora, and in photo and photoset comments i.e. everywhere :) — it even works when the reply-box is on another page! The @reply template may be customized via the script-commands menu (Tools ▶ Greasemonkey ▶ Script Commands)… so whether the scripts inserts @user, user, user:, @user, @user, or possibly even @user, is up to you. The template may even contain HTML code, e.g. to style the username in italics. Inside the reply-box, the formatted @reply is inserted at the cursor’s position. However, if any text inside the reply-box is selected, the template is ignored, and instead, clicking on (reply) makes that selected text link to the post/comment you’re replying to.

11 August 2008 12:45

Flump ___Download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.___on AIR Bus Tour

flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.Application built for the Adobe on AIR Bus Tour.

07 August 2008 21:45

14 July 2008 21:45

Flickr Inline Forum Post Editor - Lets you edit or delete your posts without leaving the page you are on in Flickr Hacks

You can also delete your posts, or if you are a group admin others posts, without leaving the page you are on. Ive also added a search and replace function.

10 June 2008 19:30

Pipes: Flickr — Group membership bulk copy

Lists groups that user FROM is in but user TO is not, linking to group’s “join” page. Does not really “copy” groups, but takes you half-way

12 November 2007 07:00

❤️ FLICKR - ONLINE - Favorite Finder from BigHugeLabs

Montrez toutes les photos appartenant à un utilisateur qu'un autre utilisateur a marquées en tant que favoris. Vous pouvez employer l' username, l’email, ou l'ID de chaque faire la recherche inversé .Très instructif.

05 November 2007 02:00

Flickr unknown reverse contacts –

On your flickr reverse contacts page, the names of those who are not on your contact list appear in red. The flickr reverse contacts page, found at lists all your reverse contacts i.e. all the people t

Flickr photoset RSS feed___Extension greasemonkey

Embeds inside a Flickr photoset page a link to an RSS feed of photos in that set.

16 October 2007 22:30

17 August 2007 10:00

FLICKR - OLD - GM Script: Show All Photos by User in Group Pool on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I wrote a GreaseMonkey Script for Flickr called "Show all in pool by user". When you are browsing a group pool and click on a photo, the script adds a link that when clicked will take you to that group's pool page, showing all the images that user has sub