public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags ★★★★★ & rechercher

August 2009

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: FlickrStayInCommons in Flickr Hacks

On, adds an option to the header [search] dropdown to take you directly to a search for "The Commons" content. Also on photos within "The Commons" project, inserts additional "tag links" that jump to listings restricted to just "The Commons".

April 2009

Top Visual Search Engines: The Most Interesting Ways To Visually Explore Search Engine Results - Robin Good's Latest News

1. Grokker 2. KartOO 3. Viewzi 4. Searchme 5. Quintura 6. Ujiko 7. Search-cube 8. Middlespot 9. oSkope 10. Nexplore 11. eyePlorer 12. Ziipa 13. RedZee 14. Liveplasma 15. TouchGraph Google Browser____Innovative ways to browse and explore search engine results, visual search engines may provide exactly what you have been looking for. Instead of long lists of page titles and URLs, visual search engines deliver visually rich maps of content results, often utilizing also size, color and positioning to communicate at a glance a greater array of information about the items found.

8 Tips To Make FireFox Search Friendly |

1. Install the Google Toolbar. 2. Take advantage of FireFox search plugins Or create your own. Let’s take a quick look at how you can create your own search plugin for any search engine or site you refer to daily: * search the site you are creating the plugin for; * copy the query string; * change your search term in the query string for {searchTerms}; * go to and complete the form as shown below; 3. Use FireFox “smart keywords” feature(it allows you to search right from the address bar). 4. Use The CyberSearch FireFox plugin (download it here).Another way to search from the address bar. It supports multiple Google services... 5. Tweak your FireFox about:config settings.Yet another way to search from the address bar. (tip by FireFox facts). 6. Use Search Bookmarklets 7. Search Highlighted Words With Multiple EnginesSearch the highlighted word using multiple search engines: KallOut8. Search The Web (Or Any Website) With One Searchy