public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags project & web


XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping

by 9 others
La société Xmind, qui développe le logiciel de mind mapping du même nom, vient d'annoncer qu'il devenait dorénavant gratuit (il coûtait tout de même la modique somme de 299 $) et open source. Il offre des fonctionnalités telles que : * gestion de projet * différents types de représentations graphiques (dont Ishikawa) * export sur un site de partage de cartes * export vers pdf, .doc, .ppt * import de cartes créées sous Mind Manager et Freemind. * gestion des tâches * et beaucoup d'autres

Solutions de travail collaboratif en ligne - Partie 2 | Web2Pro - Le blog de l'informatique, du web et des nouvelles technologies pour les pros

by 1 other
Les services facilitant le travail collaboratif accessibles même en dehors du réseau de l’entreprise répondent à un besoin croissant aujourd’hui : pouvoir acccéder à ses données n’importe où, et pouvoir travailler à plusieurs sur un même document. La demande étant forte, de nombreuses solutions existent, je vais donc essayer d’établir un petit répertoire (évidemment non exhaustif) de ces solutions en publiant une série de billets sur le sujet. Ce billet est le second de la série, vous pouvez trouver le premier ici. Un petit rappel des solutions abordées dans ce répertoire : * ActiveCollab (premier billet) * TeamSpace (premier billet) * ProjectPlace (premier billet) * AceProject * Basecamp * phpCollab * GoogleApps (à venir) * Zoho Project (à venir) * Taskii (à venir) * ProjectPier (à venir) * Planzone (à venir) * Collabtive (à venir) * (à venir) Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive, donc si vous connaissez d’autres services du même genre, ou si vous avez une expérience à partager, ne vous gênez pas !

Redmine - Overview - Redmine

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Overview * Multiple projects support * Flexible role based access control. * Flexible issue tracking system * Gantt chart and calendar * News, documents & files management * Feeds & email notifications. * Per project wiki * Per project forums * Simple time tracking functionality * Custom fields for issues, projects and users * SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) * Multiple LDAP authentication support * User self-registration support * Multilanguage support * Multiple databases support

Home of the Geotag Icon Project

by 3 others (via)
The Geotag Icon is intended as a web "standard" icon for identifying geotagged content to humans. The advent of inexpensive GPS devices and free tools like Google Maps or Flickr Map mean that more and more people are associating their content (typically blog posts or photos) with a specific geographic location. Such "geotagging" stores coordinates within metadata or microformat tags—where machines can find them but people can't. That's where the Geotag Icon comes in. It provides a visual reference to a map link, or if no link is yet made helps viewers recognize the geographic relevance of the content. It's free, easy to use and helps us all visualize the developing semantic web.

pootle:index · Translate Toolkit & Pootle

by 2 others (via)
Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes the translation process so much simpler. It allows online translation, work assignment, gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution. You can run Pootle as an Internet server like these projects or run your own copy on an Intranet (for individual work, team work or Translate@thons). Pootle makes use of the Translate Toolkit. Together, these tools are part of our project to make translation easier and of higher quality by creating better tools and user-friendly, central information.


Virtual Planner - Trac

by 4 others (via)
The Virtual planning board is a web application that allows you to tie in visual project planning with your existing Trac tickets - across a range of projects (where each project has a seperate svn repository and associated trac instance). It allows you to assign tickets to a particular week and therefore plan your workflow for a given period. Soon you'll be able to do simple project estimation with a 'developer hours' feature that compares available hours to the estimated times on the tickets

by 12 others (via)
ProjectPier is a Free, Open-Source, self-hosted PHP application for managing tasks, projects and teams through an intuitive web interface. ProjectPier will help your organization communicate, collaborate and get things done Its function is similar to commercial groupware/project management products, but allows the freedom and scalability of self-hosting. Even better, it will always be free.

The KForge Project » About

by 1 other
KForge is an open-source (GPL) system for managing software and knowledge projects. It re-uses existing best-of-breed tools such as a versioned storage (subversion), a tracker (trac), and wiki (trac or moinmoin), integrating them with the system’s own facilities (projects, users, permissions etc). KForge also provides a complete web interface for project administration as well a fully-developed plugin system so that new services and features can be easily added.


by 8 others
redMine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. redMine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


WYMstyle - CSS framework - Overview

The aim of this project is to provide a set of well-tested modular CSS files, that can be used for fast design of web sites. Benefits * WYMstyle is a set of CSS files, that you can easily combine to very quickly create the layout of your web sites. * WYMstyle aims to suppress the tedious compatibility testing across browsers for each created website, by providing CSS modules which are reliable and well-tested.