public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags livecd & wiki

August 2008

Set Root Password

Setting Root Passowrd Following is used to set the root password if unable to access using login credentials: From the Log-in Manager 1. Ctrl+Alt+F4 2. At the command prompt: * root * passwd (Note intentionally missing the o) * enter new password twice * exit 3. Ctrl+Alt+F7 4. At the log-in screen Username: root Password: (as established) This will log the machine if other log-in credentials fail.

July 2008

Fluxbuntu - Get - Downloads

How Easy is Fluxbuntu to Install? We have tried to make Fluxbuntu as accessible to users as possible. A user with a moderate amount of computing knowledge should have the ability to install Fluxbuntu or take it for a test flight using the "Live CD". A "Live CD" allows you to start your computer up and try out Fluxbuntu without even touching your regular computing environment. This means that you have complete freedom to try out Fluxbuntu before you decide to install it. If you think you would like to use Fluxbuntu on a computer with a full installation, simply follow the instructions. Note: Due to the technical aspects of a "Live CD", it will perform significantly poorer than a standard installation. IMPORTANTE ! IMPORTANTE !! IMPORTANTE !!! NB ! NB !! NB !!! [ : - ] { : - } Help! I Can't Logon! The Fluxbuntu Live CD ships with a default user name and password. The username is fluxbuntu and password is livecd.

March 2008

eMovix GIMP

LedStyle publicou em seu blog um Video-curso completo de GIMP para iniciantes, um trabalho muito bem feito. O eMovix GIMP é este conjunto de vídeos disponíveis em formato VCD (rodam em aparelhos de DVD), ao mesmo tempo em que são Live-CDs, ou seja, você pode reiniciar um computador com um dos CDs no drive e os vídeos passam automaticamente. O primeiro dos dois CDs traz as aulas de 1 a 5, enquanto o segundo traz as aulas de 6 a 10. Ambos estão compactados para facilitar o download. Se você usar Windows, pode descompactar utilizando programas como o 7-Zip. Em GNU/Linux descompactar esses arquivos será trivial.

BrOffice Live

Este é um live CD para demonstrar o Ele traz o Debian com o desktop KDE. Tudo em ambiente live, sem precisar instalar no computador.

ARA Live

Este é um live CD que traz o Debian com o desktop GNOME, acrescido do QCad (ferramenta CAD na versão comunitária, com código-fonte aberto), Blender e alguns aplicativos básicos, além de PDFs, incluindo o Manual do QCad em português. Tudo em ambiente live, sem precisar instalar no computador.

February 2008

October 2007

LiveCd - OLPCWiki

The LiveCD has not been updated since early April. Much which now works, was not even started back then. We hope to have a new LiveCD soon.

September 2007

June 2007

Debian HelpContents

HelpContents Here is a tour of the most important help pages: HelpForBeginners - if you are new to wikis HelpOnNavigation - explains the navigational elements on a page HelpOnPageCreation - how to create a new page, and how to use page templates HelpOnUserPreferences - how to make yourself known to the wiki, and adapt default behaviour to your taste HelpOnEditing - how to edit a page HelpOnActions - tools that work on pages or the whole site HelpMiscellaneous - more details, and a FAQ section