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November 2008

K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.0 Released

KDE 4.0 Released FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Também disponível em: English German Italiano Letoniano Esloveno Sueco Tamil O Projeto KDE lança a sua quarta versão Com esta nova versão, a comunidade KDE marca o início da era KDE 4. 11 de janeiro de 2008 (A INTERNET). O Comunidade KDE anuncia a disponibilidade imediata do KDE 4.0.0. Este lançamento marca o fim de um intenso ciclo de desenvolvimento até o KDE 4.0 e o início da era KDE 4.

K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.0 Visual Guide: Applications

KDE 4.0 Visual Guide: Applications Jump to: Overview Desktop Applications Educational Applications Games Also available in: Chinese French Italian Persian Punjabi Slovenian The Dolphin file manager Dolphin is KDE4's new file manager. You can browse, locate, open, copy and move files with it. Dolphin concentrates on ease of use and replaces Konqueror's filemanagement component, which was used in KDE 3 and earlier. While Konqueror can still be used as file manager, and in fact shares the fileview functionality with Dolphin, the KDE team has decided to introduce an application that is optimized for filemanagement: Dolphin.

August 2008

May 2008

K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.0 Visual Guide

KDE 4.0 Visual Guide Also available in: Chinese French Persian The KDE 4.0 Desktop and applications deserve a closer look. The pages below provide an overview of KDE 4.0 and give some examples of its associated applications. Screenshots of many components are included. Be aware that this is just a small sample of what KDE 4.0 offers you.

K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.0 Released

KDE 4.0 Released FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Also available in: Bengali (India) Catalan Chinese Czech Dutch French German Gujarati Hebrew Hindi Italian Latvian Malayalam Marathi Persian Polish Punjabi Portuguese (Brazilian) Romanian Russian Slovenian Spanish Swedish Tamil KDE Project Ships Fourth Major Version of cutting edge Free Software Desktop With the fourth major version, the KDE Community marks the beginning of the KDE 4 era. January 11, 2008 (The INTERNET). The KDE Community is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of KDE 4.0. This significant release marks both the end of the long and intensive development cycle leading up to KDE 4.0 and the beginning of the KDE 4 era.

February 2008

Help Center Live Community | Helping serve YOUR sites visitors

Help Center Live is dedicated to making available the tools to help you serve your customers and visitors. The Help Center Live Community produces Help Center Live free of charge. All we ask for is your ideas and comments.

The CrossWire Bible Society - Free Bible Software - Bringing the Gospel to a new generation

CrossWire finally has a new Wiki: A Wiki is a community collaboration whiteboard and information repository. Come and learn about current projects with resource needs and volunteer your time: Current Events.

October 2007

August 2007

Licensing | Ubuntu

Categories of software in Ubuntu The thousands of software packages available for Ubuntu are organised into three key components: main, restricted and universe. Software is published in one of those components based on whether or not it meets our Free Software Philosophy, and the level of support we can provide for it. You can read about these components in more detail here. This policy only addresses the software that you will find in main and restricted, which contain software that is fully supported by the Ubuntu team and must comply with this policy. In the universe component you will find just about every other piece of software you can imagine, under a huge variety of licenses... really the full software universe. If you install software from universe please ensure you take the time to check the license for yourself. All software in Ubuntu main and restricted must be licensed in a way that is compatible with our license policy. There are many definitions of 'free' and 'free software' so we have included our own set of guidelines.

June 2007

Clam AntiVirus

by 9 others (via)
Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner and advanced tool for automatic database updates. The core of the package is an anti-virus engine available in a form of shared library.(Read more...) Latest releases Latest ClamAV™ stable release is: 0.90.3 Total number of signatures: 127308 ClamAV Virus Databases: main.cvd ver. 43 released on 11 Apr 2007 00:14 0200 daily.cvd ver. 3450 released on 18 Jun 2007 00:48 0000 News Help nominate ClamAV for 2007 Community Choice Awards June 8th, 2007 Posted by - luca If you are a registered user on then you can help to make sure that ClamAV is eligible for Community Choice Awards by nominating ClamAV to one or more categories. Once all final nominees have been decided (Read more...) ClamAV featured on ITSecurity April 29th, 2007 Posted by - luca The recent article from features ClamAV (and some ClamAV third-party related projects) among the best 103 Free Security Apps for Mac, Windows and Linux . You can read the full article at Quick reaction to new Storm Worm variant outbreak April 13th, 2007 Posted by - luca PCWorld reports that four antivirus had a quick reaction to the new Storm Worm variant that has recently started spreading: A huge virus surge of a new Storm Worm variant is flooding email inboxes and evading many antivirus programs. In (Read more...) 100.000 signatures March 18th, 2007 Posted by - luca Only one month after reaching the 90.000 goal, our CVDs now contain more than 100.000 signatures! ClamAV sigmakers have been working really hard to improve the malware coverage of ClamAV: we strive to be more competitive day by day. New CVD releases are announced on our clamav-virusdb mailing-list. A searchable archive is available. Switch to SVN completed February 19th, 2007 Posted by - luca Finally we switched from CVS to Subversion. Our website has been updated accordingly: read the instructions on how to access the new repository. The old cvs2web interface has been replaced by Please report any problem to Luca Next Page » Main Menu * Home * Sobre o ClamAV

July 2006