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March 2009

Xfce - 4.2

Xfce 4.2 Documentation User Guide * Preface * Introduction * Using Xfce4 * Components of Xfce * Installing Xfce4 * Copyright and License Application Manuals * Panel * Window Manager * Session Manager * Desktop Manager * Utilities and Scripts * Printing Management * Settings Manager * Settings Manager Plugins * Filemanager * Application Finder Developer Documentation * libxfce4util * libxfce4mcs * libxfcegui4 * libexo

Xfce - Artwork

Xfce Artwork You can download the Xfce Artwork Tarball here. It contains some high-quality logos and banners.

Xfce - Features

Xfce Features Xfce provides a lightweight desktop environment with a desktop manager drawing a wallpaper and allowing you to have icons on your desktop, a panel with numerous plugins, a standard compliant window manager with a compositing manager, a settings manager to customize your desktop environment, a modern and easy to use file manager and a session manager which allows you to save the current session, autostart applications, shutdown, reboot, suspend or hibernate your computer. Xfce also provides common applications, designed for the best user experience. Among those applications are: a text editor, a sound mixer which supports multiple sound cards, an application finder to launch your applications in an easy way, an image viewer, a modern terminal emulator, an iCal based calendar to manage events and appointments and a CD and DVD burning application. Many additionnal features are also provided by the Goodies project: a Web browser, plugins for the panel and the file manager, standalone applications such as a dictionnary, a tasks manager, a power manager, a screenshooter, a notification daemon..

October 2007

July 2007

How to install KDE on Ubuntu

by 1 other (via)
How to install KDE on Ubuntu Ubuntu's default desktop environment is Gnome. Sometimes people using Ubuntu want to try out KDE as well, though. Warning: having KDE and Gnome together means you'll have cluttered application menus full of KDE applications and Gnome applications. You may also run into some other cosmetic problems (the KDE QT look taking over some of your Gnome themes, a hidden file on your desktop that keeps appearing in Gnome after you've just logged out of KDE). One of the most common problems is the new desktop environment "taking over" the boot splash screen. Here are some instructions to fix that problem. Even though these instructions are for KDE, the same principle applies for adding Gnome to Kubuntu or XFCE to Kubuntu or Ubuntu. Basically, you install the desktop environment, log out, and choose the desktop environment. Note: Some people may tell you to install KDE using Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get. Using aptitude instead will make KDE easier to remove later if you wish to do so.

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu Why Xubuntu? If you have a computer with rather modest specifications (I'd say anywhere between 128 MB of RAM to 256 MB of RAM), you may find that Kubuntu's KDE and Ubuntu's Gnome are too slow on your computer to be functional. There's another desktop environment called Xfce that is relatively lightweight, and Xubuntu is the version of Ubuntu that comes with Xfce as its default desktop environment.

Window Managers for X: Metacity

Metacity is a lightweight window manager written by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat. The first version was 2.3, which was released in 2001. It is implemented with the GTK 2.x toolkit, and so integrates well with the GNOME 2.x platform. In fact the intention is to remove the traditional separation between window manager and desktop, and present to the user a single desktop interface. This means that the limited configuration options available for Metacity are shown as desktop options, not as Metacity options (although there is an optional "Metacity-setup" panel which conflicts with this approach).

Window Managers for X

by 4 others (via)
Welcome Welcome to my guide to window managers and desktop environments for The X Window System, as used mainly by Linux and UNIX operating systems. Here you will find descriptions, screenshots and configuration files for all popular window managers, along with related resources, including a news and discussion area. Simply click on the appropriate links on the left, or below.

June 2007

SuSE Linux 10.0 Live DVD (32bit)

Uma distribuição ideal para jogar. Estabilidade e cuidado bem acabados! Existem duas versões de SuSE Linux: EVAL e OSS. A primeira é baseada em aplicativos propritários equanto a outra se baseia em programas de código abrto. Aqui temos a versão EVAL, com sua modalidade LiveCD otimizada para o uso de KDE (apesar de permitir o uso de Gnome, IceWM, WindowMaker, XFCE...). Aquim podemos encontrar programas como Mozilla Firefox, Gaim, Gimp, o gravador de CD e DVD K3B, o, o cliente de correio eletrônico Thunderbird... Oferece ainda uma enorme quantidade de documentação com cada uma de suas novas versões. Seu cuidadoso aspecto e o suporte multimídia são sufientes para convencer o usuário mais exigente

xfce pt_BR

Sobre o Xfce "Xfce é um ambiente de desktop leve para vários sistemas *NIX. Projetado para ser produtivo, ele carrega e executa as aplicações rapidamente, enquanto conserva os recursos disponíveis do sistema." - Olivier Fourdan, criador do Xfce Xfce 4.4 incorpora a filosofia tradicional de reutilização e modularidade do UNIX. Ele consiste de um número de componentes que juntos fornecem a funcionalidade completa para o ambiente de desktop. Eles são empacotados separadamente e você pode selecionar os pacotes disponíveis para criar o melhor ambiente de trabalho personalizado.

xfce tour

A Visual Tour of Xfce 4.4.0 As of today, the long awaited version 4.4.0 of the Xfce Desktop Environment is finally available. I will try to highlight some of the new features which have been added since the last stable release.

xfce download

Download Stable version (4.4.3) Most distributions ship with Xfce. But if you want a newer version or you want to build Xfce from scratch, you can find the packages below. You can also take a look at a list of Xfce-oriented distributions here.


by 4 others
About Xfce "Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources." - Olivier Fourdan, creator of Xfce Xfce 4.4 embodies the traditional UNIX philosophy of modularity and re-usability. It consists of a number of components that together provide the full functionality of the desktop environment. They are packaged separately and you can pick and choose from the available packages to create the best personal working environment

LORTAL-Portal DeskTops

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