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Les didacticiels de

Modeling organic items, such as animals, human heads and other body parts is never easy and needs quite a lot of skills and patience to do so. Fortunately, latest version of Blender came with a new cool feature, called Surface Subdivision, that make organic things a lot easier to model. Trees, body parts and even faces now come more easily under our mouse. The purpose of this tutorial is to show the basics of human face modeling. Using these guidelines, you will get a quite acurate basic shape to work with more finely, weither you want to achieve toon-like pictures, or more realistic faces like the one below. Sure, it will take hours to get something like this, but it will be a very enjoying task to do so, not an harassing one. - Blender User Interface Tutorial

If you are reading this tutorial, you are probably feeling like I did exactly one year ago. I had found this extremely interesting looking 3D application (which other users were raving about), but the user interface completely baffled me. I couldn't find the quit function (I had to kill the application instead of exiting it), I saw buttons that seemed to react differently each time I clicked on them and every time something interesting happened, I could not reproduce it.


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Categories * Adobe Photoshop * Autodesk Maya * Autodesk 3DS Max * Blender * Bryce * Corel DRAW * Cycore Cult3D * Macromedia Flash * Maxon Bodypaint 3D * Maxon Cinema 4D * LightWave 3D * Pixologic ZBrush * Rhinoceros * SoftImage XSI * Vue d'Esprit AQUI PODE SE LOGAR COM A CONTA DE : AQUI LINK LEVANDO ATÉ LÁ

Gimp Tutoriais

(via) Fevereiro 18, 2008, 02:52:33 * Olá, Visitante. Por favor Entre ou Registe-se se ainda não for membro. Perdeu o seu e-mail de activação? Entrar com nome de utilizador, password e duração da sessão Notícias: Última versão do GiMP: 2.4 Início Ajuda Pesquisa Calendário Entrar Registe-se playstation games 3D computação gráfica CG dualcore CPU monitores desenho computadores câmeras digitais scanners tablets cursos animação memória lcd linux nvidia gforce amd pendrive mp4 mp3 dvd divx > Gimp > Gimp Tutoriais (Moderadores: ducacm, The Nick)

2007 - Getting started

Before you dive into Blender you'll first need to understand the interface. Most of what you'll learn about the interface carries over to the rest of Blender's features.