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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags 3d & "blender linuxgraphic"

June 2009

les liens de blender-café

Le domaine de la 3D étant vaste vous trouverez ci-dessous un ensemble de liens classés par rubrique, cliquez sur leur icone pour accéder à la page désirée. Si un lien ne fonctionne plus, merci de nous le signaler.

les didadacticiels de blender-café

Blender-Café tutorials You'll find here many tutorials for Blender, and we hope they'll be of interest. These tuts are sorted by difficulty (beginner, intermediate , expert). If you have some skill with Blender and want to share it other users, you can help with this section. Feel free to contat Olivier in order to get tutorial template files. Tutorials are available either on-line or in version if you intend to print them.

Les didacticiels de

Modeling organic items, such as animals, human heads and other body parts is never easy and needs quite a lot of skills and patience to do so. Fortunately, latest version of Blender came with a new cool feature, called Surface Subdivision, that make organic things a lot easier to model. Trees, body parts and even faces now come more easily under our mouse. The purpose of this tutorial is to show the basics of human face modeling. Using these guidelines, you will get a quite acurate basic shape to work with more finely, weither you want to achieve toon-like pictures, or more realistic faces like the one below. Sure, it will take hours to get something like this, but it will be a very enjoying task to do so, not an harassing one.

April 2008

linux graphic

by 4 others
* 10/04/2008 : Sortie de Blenderart magazine n°15 * 10/03/2008 : Alarme!!! Vous vous faîtes plagier! Lisez ceci! * 01/03/2008 : Emission de radio sur le libre et le graphisme * 29/01/2008 : [02/03 Fév 2008] Journées du libre en Touraine * 17/01/2008 : [Recrutement][Sérieux] Court métrage animation 3D * 25/12/2007 : Joyeux Noël 2007 à tous! * 02/12/2007 : Sortie de Blenderart Magazine #13 [en]