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PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tags programming & tutorial



almost similar to my good ol' "Command Line Parser" :)


mon petit tuto de programmation client/serveurs HTTP en C.

hash_functions [smallcode]

an interesting review of hash functions and their performance over different sets of keys. Note that he measure the actual time for hashing + scanning through a collision list rather than just counting the numbers of collisions.


Tile based games

by 3 others
All you want to know about tile game ( flash )


day15 [PAlib Wiki Francais]

pas encore tout à fait fini, mais un bon point de comparaison pour le code de "sidescroller" sur DS...

TONC: Contents

Tonc's tutorial on GBA hardware. If you're looking for 2D rotation matrices illustrated with metroid sprites, click the link ^_^

Drunken Coders

by 1 other
Homebrew pour DS : articles, tutoriels, news, etc. Nintendo DS homebrew : news, tutorials, etc.



tous mes tutos, exemples, bidouilles, etc. pour la programmation réseau en C


mes trucs & astuces pour la programmation réseau

BitTorrent Tutoriel

by 1 other
un tutoriel sur BitTorrent que j'avais écrit pour un projet étudiants

drunken coders

tutorials, tools, news, for the Nintendo DS