public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags tech & geek


EPIC-FU - art+tech+music for geeks

Zadi Diaz has a hot, hot, hot video series on this page... gotta find out if it's syndicated! - Top 10 hottest women in tech

While there are certainly a number of drop-dead gorgeous ladies within the world of tech media to choose from, we’ve narrowed the list down to 10.


LOL: The Life of Leo — The personal blog of technology journalist Leo Laporte

Leo blogs Amber met the Dalai Lama and giggled. Leo's wordpress blog. He's back on twitter and he's seen the light with wordpress. Hallelujah!

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters

by 103 others
A million Facebook users have signed up for the "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert" group in the last week — though the group could be read as a satire of Barack Obama's similarly-named group, which has fewer than 400,000 members after 9 months.