public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags tech & daily

May 2008

Symbian World

twitter @ewanspence sybian blogs aggreggated on this site


by 1 other
nominated for both Best Novel (for The Last Colony) and Best Fan Writer, which I think is pretty neat. This guy should be nominated for the best blog, if you ask me. - ptw

February 2008


This may be better than digg at digg's own game.

Wired News

by 53 others
the monumental, great wired "yahoo rejects microsoft"

ScobleShow: Videoblog about geeks, technology, and developers

by 1 other
Larry Hryb is one of Microsoft's most famous bloggers. He works on the Xbox Live team and visited the CES BlogHaus to talk about what he's seeing.

January 2008


by 2 others
Apparently the deal with this card is that you slide it into your iPhone and it somehow magically hardware unlocks your iPhone. I am not an electrical engineer, so I can’t tell you how well this thing will work, but if I had to guess, it won’t.

December 2007 | Austin High-Tech Online

door64 is all about building an online community of high-tech professionals in Austin, Texas. We're just starting out, but growing each day.

November 2007

LOL: The Life of Leo — The personal blog of technology journalist Leo Laporte

Leo blogs Amber met the Dalai Lama and giggled. Leo's wordpress blog. He's back on twitter and he's seen the light with wordpress. Hallelujah!

October 2007

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters

by 103 others
A million Facebook users have signed up for the "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert" group in the last week — though the group could be read as a satire of Barack Obama's similarly-named group, which has fewer than 400,000 members after 9 months.