public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags google & rss

December 2008

Feedly |

by 2 others
a Firefox extension that makes for a quite pleasant, and more social feed reading experience. It uses your info from Google Reader and presents it in a more social and pleasing manner.

Pipes: Google Calendar RSS Merge |

Merges two Google Calendar RSS feeds into one and sort it by content date

June 2008

Google AJAX Feed API |

by 2 others
Embed a Dynamic Feed Control on your web page and let your users see customized views of the feeds. Customize how the dynamic feed control should be displayed, and this wizard will write the code for you.

May 2008

Readair | Google

ReadAir is an OSX Themed Desktop Client for Mac or Windows. Built with Adobe Air.

February 2008

FeedBurner Help Center - MyBrand |

Créer un alias pour l'adresse de son/ses propres flux rss

August 2007

AJAX Feed API Slide Show Control |

by 1 other
permets en 2 lignes de code de mettre en place un slideshow à partir d'un fichier rss

Dapper: The Data Mapper |

by 13 others
Outil pour créer un fichier xml. rss feeds, google maps, emails, cvs, icalendar, widgets à partir d'un site web qui n'en a pas.