public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags google & plugin


Graph Your Inbox

a Google Chrome extension that allows you to graph Gmail activity over time

wordpress-geo-mashup - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 1 other
This plugin lets you save location information with posts, pages, and other WordPress objects. These objects can then be presented on interactive Google maps in many ways.


Google Analyticator |

by 2 others
Google Analyticator adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics logging on any WordPress blog. This eliminates the need to edit your template code to begin logging. Google Analyticator also includes several widgets for displaying Analytics data in the admin and on your blog.


Feedly |

by 2 others
a Firefox extension that makes for a quite pleasant, and more social feed reading experience. It uses your info from Google Reader and presents it in a more social and pleasing manner.

Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks and Tips Collection |

by 2 others
Différentes améliorations qui se greffent sur google analytics

Google Docs Download GM Script by Peter Shafer |

by 1 other
The Google Download Script was written to help streamline this process when combined with a download manager like DownThemAll.

Google Reader + Twitter |

Script greasemonkey pour ajouter une action "poster sur twitter" à un article dans Google Reader

iGoogleBar |

Améliore la barre de menu Google

Google Docs Bar |

by 6 others
Firefox extension that shows the list of documents from Google Docs in the sidebar

Google Account Multi-Login |

Quickly Switch Google Accounts with the Google Account Multi-Login


vanus cero uno — Corrector |

by 2 others
intégrer le correcteur d'orthographe dans une blog wordpress


Google Analytics and Feedburner Reports plugin for WordPress |

by 4 others
permet de consulter les statistiques de votre blog selon Google Analytics et/ou FeedBurner, le tout directement dans votre console d’administration.

Synchronize Google Calendar With Outlook |

by 2 others
plugin pour syncroniser Outlook avec Google Calendar

Google Calendar Notifier |

by 3 others
extension googgle calendar pour Firefox Google hCalendar

script greasemonkey qui détecte les formats hCalendar et créer un lien pour intègrer rapidement un événement dans Google Calendar