public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne with tags tech & flickr

01 September 2005 12:00

西 九 展 覽 etc.

[thursday, 30 december 2004] 應 酬 吃 飯 、 走 商 場 、 讀 da vinci code 、 踏 單 車 、 參 觀 西 九 展 、 聽 電 台 、 看 The Terminal 、 替 家 裡 的 兩 部 電 腦 裝 firefox / thunderbird 、 弄 flickr 相 簿 . . . 差

31 August 2005 19:00

better or worse?

[friday, 07 january 2005] first, google bought blogger. then, google's buying flickr and now, six apart (typepad) is buying live journal # what next? is changing for the better -- or worse?btw, google's just been granted a patent for HIGHLIGHTING SEARCH T

squared circles fibonacci mosaic

[friday, 21 january 2005] can you spot my squarely circled pics in the following fibonacci mosaic (click to enlarge)?

more from google blogoscoped + squared circle group icon

[sunday, 30 january 2005] More ingenious apps from Google Blogoscoped: [1.] AnyRank: find out the rank of your URL The site has a CurseRank of 0. (errmmm yea...haha....i'm such a good girl) The site has a GeekRank

31 August 2005 18:00

new flickr logo?

[sunday, 27 february 2005] First time starting a thread on Flickr and it attracted over 100 replies within only 12 hours! Well it all began with this gossipgossipgossip.gif...


[tuesday, 22 march 2005] O. M. G. Yahoo actually does acquire Flickr..... and it DOES worry me...@____@

31 August 2005 17:00

[flickr] A present from Flickr HQ to say thank you!

[tuesday, 19 april 2005] I HEART FLICKR!!!!!!!!!! now who wants to go pro? i have 2 accounts to giveaway!!! [flickr] A present from Flickr HQ to say thank you! Hi 1of@kind! You may have heard on the grapevine that we planned to reward our dear Flickr me

flickr pro invites update

[thursday, 21 april 2005] response is so overwhelming! i never knew people actually READ my blog.....must thank you all =) okay so here's a quick update on the flickr pro invites. so far i've received 5 requests (listed here in chronological order): > me

web referrals

[wednesday, 27 april 2005] mind all clogged up with equity and trusts....@____@ how am i going to survive the test on saturday??? not to mention tmr's test for the broadening course...crim presentation the day after....and the big essay due next week.....

31 August 2005 06:00

flickr fan art group

[thursday, 05 may 2005] created a flickr fan art group today :) feel free to join!!!!

micro icons craze

[friday, 06 may 2005] came across some nifty micro icons today: ipod (a mini icon of a non-mini ipod!!! lol) flickr (fan art again :P) arrow rounded button (neat and clean) folder (white ones always look better, don't they?) pdf (tiniest one ever seen

31 August 2005 05:00

flickr freebies + trio tickets

[thursday, 09 june 2005] 今天 law firm 發生了一件不愉快事件....不願再提...@__@ 我竟然慢了兩拍, 出了Flickr Schwag 都唔知!schwag [noun]: 1. free/extra goods, usu. given to employees or workers 2. low grade marijuana buy jor tick