public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne with tag ticon

01 September 2005 12:00

出 現

[saturday, 18 december 2004] 昨 夜 做 了 個 夢 夢 見 有 一 個 人 在 我 門 前 出 現

坐 立 不 安

[saturday, 18 december 2004] 等 了 一 整 天 仍 未 有 消 息 是 你 忘 了 ? 還 是 甚 麼 ? 很 擔 心

似 近 實 遠

[sunday, 19 december 2004] 今 天 的 教 訓 : 不 要 再 期 望 甚 麼. 即 使 你 認 為 . 你 已 等 了 很 久 . 似 近 實 遠 . 原 來 更 難 受 . 尤 其 . 當 我 比 你 期 待 . 在這 幾 天 裡 . 完 全 感 覺

31 August 2005 19:00

gloomiest day

[sunday, 23 january 2005] 'I don't like Monday 24 January' [ BBC News ] Misery is expected to peak on Monday, as 24 January has been pinpointed as the worst day of the year. January has been long regarded as the darkest of months, but a formula from a par

無 處 不 在

你其實沒有離開! 你其實無處不在! 早上起來, 陣陣幽香撲鼻 聞聞玫瑰, 我聞到你 走進廚房, 徐徐打開雪櫃 咬咬蘋果, 我嚐到你 上學去了, 整理書包然後 穿上布鞋, 穿上了你 回家途中, 靜靜拿出書

31 August 2005 18:00

死 線

[sunday, 20 february 2005] 儘管你喜歡她的性格、她的笑容、她的脾氣、她的幽默 你最終都會像 St. Augustine 一樣 要放棄她 因為,她走得比你慢 她在迷路,但你已衝線 那不是普通的線,是死線 你不能

how i miss him

[friday, 25 february 2005] "Life is a big waiting room. We all wait for something; I wait for you." ~ The Terminal

i will wait

[saturday, 26 february 2005] my warmest congratulations to someone who got an offer from a grad school today! umm my previous entry also applies to you :P

ticon's new journal layout!!!

[monday, 14 march 2005] gorgeous pics & warmmmm colours...XD....i love it!!

31 August 2005 17:00

31 August 2005 05:00


[saturday, 28 may 2005] 今天是你畢業的大日子 也是我大試考完的日子 :) :) :) 多謝 natalie 我欠你很多 (...$$$) hahaha 我是香港人 但竟然不知香港事 新的“中環價值” 我今天才發現 ...

放 開 點

[monday, 06 june 2005] 媽 媽 說 ,他 要 我 等 這 麼 久 ,我 應 該 放 開 點 。我 想 , 所 謂 的 與 風 , 就 是 這 個 意 思 吧 . . . . . .

a productive day

[tuesday, 07 june 2005] an extremely productive day!!! completed ALL THREE tasks due today and tmr...this includes researching on whether HK courts are bound by decisions made by japanese appellate courts and whether an action on 'money had and received'

CFA + law society + photos . . .

[wednesday, 08 june 2005] since i keep an offline diary of my work at the law firm i'm not going to spell everything out here again...all i'm gonna say is that the CFA directions hearing was pretty entertaining and this is my first time seeing Edward Chan

good life

[friday, 10 june 2005] life is goooood :)

fathers' day

[sunday, 12 june 2005] happy fathers' day! i love you daddy.... it was all unplanned...but during the 2.5 hours we: # met 周杰倫 in new century plaza!!! he's soooo ying.... bumped into Winnie Chiu who's buying a camera!!! she taught me maths but i neve


[wednesday, 22 june 2005] 不開心的事,不想就是了。

ticon can cook!

[sunday, 26 june 2005] ticon 的傑作!!! 1. 羅宋湯 2. 牛角包 3. 雜菜果沙律 4. 芝士白汁蘑菇焗雞柳炒飯 5. 蒜鹽焗三文魚扒 6. 有汽波羅冰 7. 朱古力雪糕

31 August 2005 04:00

拔萃 Homecoming Concert 2005

[monday, 04 july 2005] home·com·ing (noun) 'hOm-"k&-mi[ng] 1 : a return home (回家的日子!) 2 : the return of a group of people usually on a special occasion to a place formerly frequented or regarded as home :) i must thank: ticon & his family fo

a day in pictures

[tuesday, 05 july 2005] (place your mouse over them to see descriptions)

31 August 2005 03:00