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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags video & web


A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video

It creates a link to a YouTube video where you set the start time.



by 34 others (via)
Création automatique de vidéo à partir d'images et de musique...


Lecteur FLV

by 19 others (via)
C'est un lecteur de fichiers vidéos au format FLV, destiné à la diffusion par internet. Il est libre, gratuit et fortement paramètrable.

yourminis :: widgets :: Video

The Video widget lets you add photos and/or videos to your site or start page. After selecting the photo widget add the URL for an image or video on the web and it will display inside of the video widget. You can then add a link URL to the photo or video. You can move and resize the photo/video in your start page, rotate it by clicking and dragging the lower left corner, and use it to create cool photo/video collages. You can also customize the appearance of the widget by clicking on the color picker icon to change the background color and add a transparency level.

The coolness factor of Linux » Rudd-O

All in all, this video took about 4 hours to make, including the time to install and set the required software up. Here’s the step-by-step lowdown: 1. Used xvidcap to record the video at 10 frames per second into an MPEG file. 2. Used Kino to find out a suitable end frame for the video. That way I can encode only from the start to a certain frame. 3. Used mencoder to scale and encode the MPEG movie into a DivX AVI file. This is the command line: mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:mbd=2:v4mv:autoaspect test-0000.mpeg -o youtube.avi -frames 950 -vf scale=320:240 4. Used Ardour to create a mini-mix of The world is mine, for the audio track. 5. Used mencoder to encode the audio and copy the DivX file into the final DivX video. This is the command line: mencoder youtube.avi -audiofile track.mp3 -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -o final.avi 6. Uploaded the final video to YouTube. 7. Uploaded the final video to my Web site. 8. Wrote this post.

2006 » La messagerie instantanée augmentée

Logitech vient de commercialiser un logiciel, compatible seulement avec ses webcams les plus évoluées, qui permet, en temps réel, d’habiller votre visage de lunettes, de sourcils, de chapeaux ou de le remplacer par un avatar qui suivra tous vos mouvements de tête et copiera vos expressions. L’un des animateurs de Make Magazine en a fait une convaincante vidéo de démonstration.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

by 144 others (via)
Watch Instantly find and watch 1000's of fast streaming videos. Upload Quickly upload and tag videos in almost any video format. Share Easily share your videos with family, friends, or co-workers.