public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags ajax & guide

17 October 2006

Using prototype.js v1.4.0

by 55 others (via)
n case you haven't already used it, prototype.js is a JavaScript library written by Sam Stephenson. This amazingly well thought and well written piece of standards-compliant code takes a lot of the burden associated with creating rich, highly interactive web pages that characterize the Web 2.0 off your back. If you tried to use this library recently, you probably noticed that documentation is not one of its strongest points. As many other developers before me, I got my head around prototype.js by reading the source code and experimenting with it. I thought it would be nice to take notes while I learned and share with everybody else. I'm also offering an un-official reference for the objects, classes, functions, and extensions provided by this library.

05 October 2006

Quick guide to somewhat advanced JavaScript

by 5 others (via)
Until recently, I knew that Javascript had more OO capabilities than I was employing, but I did not feel like I needed to use it. As the browsers started to support a more standardized featureset of Javascript and the DOM, it became viable to write more complex and functional code to run on the client. That helped giving birth to the AJAX phenomena.