public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tags image & css


30 Exceptional CSS Techniques and Examples | Six Revisions

by 4 others
In this article, I’ve pieced together 30 excellent CSS techniques and examples that showcases the capabilities and robustness of CSS. You’ll see a variety of techniques such as image galleries, drop shadows, scalable buttons, menus, and more - all using only CSS and HTML.

アニメーションPNGを作成する--FirefoxのCSS対応 番外編 - builder by ZDNet Japan

アニメーションPNGとは  アニメーションPNGはThe Animated Portable Network Graphicsの略で、APNGとも呼ばれている。静止画像のPNGフォーマットを拡張して、動画を扱えるようにしたフォーマットだ。本格的な動画の再生には適していないが、アニメーションGIFと同じように、パラパラ漫画の要領で手軽に動画を作成することができる。  また、アニメーションGIFが256色しか扱うことができないのに対して、アニメーションPNGは24bitフルカラーでアルファチャンネルを扱うことができる。さらに、表示環境がアニメーションPNGに未対応でも、PNGに対応していれば最初の1フレームが静止画として表示される仕組みになっており、下位互換を保つことも可能だ。そのため、アニメーションGIFに代わるフォーマットとして、広く普及することが期待されている。


mezzoblue § Testing Grounds

Plenty of new and interesting revisions to the original Fahrner Image Replacement technique sprouted up in late 2003. This was an attempt to consolidate them. Please note that this page is no longer being maintained. Requirements: the replacement must solve the screen reader problem, and it must address the "images off, css on" problem. It is also hoped that a solution will be found that reduces the need for empty 'span' elements. The successful technique must work in browsers back to 5.x, but as of the time of writing none of these appear to fail so browser support matrices will be spared. The two most promising techniques, Phark and Gilder/Levin are available on a reduced page for screenreader testing.


Spiffy Box - Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes made easy.

by 11 others
The Spiffy Box is really just an automated way to create the code and image needed to employ Ryan Thrash's now infamous ThrashBox. Or rather, "Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes" as he now calls it.


Stylegala ★ design | css | standards

by 92 others
Style gala is a CSS resource and inspiration guide for web agencies, designers and developers who build websites using web standards and CSS as their primary tools.


The Best Designs - [] - Recognizing The Best of Web Design

by 12 others
Features the best web design examples on the Internet, web design articles, and web design resources.