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PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag image

2009 - Start Something!

by 1 other - Start Something! is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter. Create a twibbon in 3 easy steps and soon all your supporters will be proudly wearing their twibbons on their twitter profile images. Simply describe your cause and upload a twibbon image and we will do the rest.


ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: 画像の遅延読み込み

webページの表示を高速化する手法にはいろいろありますが、 その一つとして遅延読み込みという手法があります。 初期状態で表示する必要のない要素については読み込まず、 必要になったタイミングで読み込み、表示するようにする手法です。 ページの読み込みにかかる時間の大半を 画像の読み込みが占めている場合が多いので、 画像の読み込みを遅延させるという手法が多く取られます。

50 Beautifully Dark Web Designs - Six Revisions

Selecting colors for a site is one of the most crucial parts of web design. The color palette can evoke certain types of emotions in a user and sets the tone for the user’s experience while perusing the site. Websites with dark colors can represent "non-mainstream", "elite", and "unconventional". The use of dark backgrounds also centers the attention towards the content, making it an effective theme for portfolios, image galleries, and design-centered sites. In this collection, you’ll find some of the best dark-themed web designs. This is the second part of the "Beautiful Web Designs" series that starts off at "30 Beautifully Blue Web Designs".

60 Free Textures from

by 2 others
Last week I posted a collection of Photoshop brushes for creating your own textured graphics. In addition to using brushes, you can get great results and save considerable amounts of time by taking advantage of textures that are freely available. One excellent resources of textures (and other types of stock images) is Stock.xchng. Below you’ll find more than 60 textures from their site. Each image links to the page on where the image can be downloaded.

TinEye Image Search

by 12 others
TinEye is an image search engine. Search the web for images using an image.

Digital Face Beautification

by 3 others
This sketch presents a novel method for digital face beautification: given a frontal photograph of a face (a portrait), our method automatically increases the predicted attractiveness rating of the face. The main challenge is to achieve this goal while introducing only minute, subtle modifications to the original image, such that the resulting “beautified” face maintains a strong, unmistakable similarity to the original, as demonstrated by the pair of faces shown in Figure 1. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally validated by a group of test subjects who consistently rated the modified faces as more attractive than the original ones. Professional photographers have been retouching and deblemishing their subjects ever since the invention of photography. It may be safely assumed that any model that we encounter on a magazine cover today has been digitally manipulated by a skilled, talented retouching artist. Since the human face is arguably the most frequently photographed object on earth, a tool such as ours would be a useful and welcome addition to the ever-growing arsenal of image enhancement and retouching tools available in today’s digital image editing packages. The potential of such a tool for motion picture special effects and advertising is also quite obvious.


by 1 other
Semiconductor make moving image works which reveal our physical world in flux; cities in motion, shifting landscapes and systems in chaos. Since 1999 UK artists Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt have worked with digital animation to transcend the constraints of time, scale and natural forces; they explore the world beyond human experience, questioning our very existence.

30 Exceptional CSS Techniques and Examples | Six Revisions

by 4 others
In this article, I’ve pieced together 30 excellent CSS techniques and examples that showcases the capabilities and robustness of CSS. You’ll see a variety of techniques such as image galleries, drop shadows, scalable buttons, menus, and more - all using only CSS and HTML.


Tour Dates (updated on 27 March 2008) Wed 23 April, 21h-4h // Exclusive Tour Launch Party, Le Baron // Tokyo (members guests only) Thu 24 April, 19h // Presentation at Pecha Kucha Night, SuperDeluxe // Tokyo Mon 28 April, 14.30h // Screening Talk at Image Forum Festival // Tokyo Tue 29 April to Sun 11 May // Exhibition at Film Studio 1928, Dohjidai Gallery of Art // Kyoto Wed 30 April, 17h // Screening at Image Forum Festival // Tokyo Mon 5 May, 18h // Mini-Screening AV Live Performance at Apple Store Ginza // Tokyo Wed 7 May, 19h // Screening Talk at Uplink Factory // Tokyo Thu 8 May, 19h // Screening Talk at Uplink Factory // Tokyo Sat 10 May, 23.59h-4h // AV Live Set with Salmon (JP) at Minimal Tokyo, Liquid Rooms // Tokyo

アニメーションPNGを作成する--FirefoxのCSS対応 番外編 - builder by ZDNet Japan

アニメーションPNGとは  アニメーションPNGはThe Animated Portable Network Graphicsの略で、APNGとも呼ばれている。静止画像のPNGフォーマットを拡張して、動画を扱えるようにしたフォーマットだ。本格的な動画の再生には適していないが、アニメーションGIFと同じように、パラパラ漫画の要領で手軽に動画を作成することができる。  また、アニメーションGIFが256色しか扱うことができないのに対して、アニメーションPNGは24bitフルカラーでアルファチャンネルを扱うことができる。さらに、表示環境がアニメーションPNGに未対応でも、PNGに対応していれば最初の1フレームが静止画として表示される仕組みになっており、下位互換を保つことも可能だ。そのため、アニメーションGIFに代わるフォーマットとして、広く普及することが期待されている。

Windows XP Professional Installation Onto SD or SDHC card [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]

Currently there are two reported working methods for installing Windows XP Professional on to an SDHC card for use on the EeePC. Method 1 as discussed by CorvetteZ0606 on the EeeUser Forums. Method 2 as discussed by DonkeyBeliever makes use of nLite for the bootable CD Creation and Acronis True Image Home v11 for the clone of the XP Install. Also there is a simplification of both methods, so you don't have to bother about changing the driver-files of XP before installation using the freeware xp3eSD.

Make3D --- convert your image into 3d

by 5 others
Make3D converts your single picture into a 3-D model, completely automatically. It takes a two-dimensional image and creates a three-dimensional "fly around" model, giving the viewers access to the scene's depth and a range of points of view. After uploading your image, you can "fly" in the 3-D scene (requires VRML viewer or Adobe Shockwave), or watch a rendered 3-d movie (flash required). Visit 3-D Gallery, Hall of fame, or signup to upload your photograph.



無償の「クセロReader ZERO」を使えば、画像をPDFに変換してOCRをかけ、テキストデータを抜き出すことができる。

mezzoblue § Testing Grounds

Plenty of new and interesting revisions to the original Fahrner Image Replacement technique sprouted up in late 2003. This was an attempt to consolidate them. Please note that this page is no longer being maintained. Requirements: the replacement must solve the screen reader problem, and it must address the "images off, css on" problem. It is also hoped that a solution will be found that reduces the need for empty 'span' elements. The successful technique must work in browsers back to 5.x, but as of the time of writing none of these appear to fail so browser support matrices will be spared. The two most promising techniques, Phark and Gilder/Levin are available on a reduced page for screenreader testing.




画像切り抜きパス制作サービス「切り抜きPHOTO」 広告などで写真を使用する時に発生する面倒な画像の切り抜き作業。そんな時は「切り抜きPHOTO」におまかせください。どんな画像も低価格・ハイスピードで切り抜きます!

Light Tracer | Interactive Drawing System | Karl D.D. Willis

Project Description Light Tracer is an interactive installation which invites the participant to write, draw and trace images in real physical space using a series of light sources. These light sources are subsequently tracked by a camera, and displayed over the participant's own image onscreen. How the participant uses the system is left entirely up to them; however it is possible to write messages, draw pictures or trace physical objects such as your face or hand.