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PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tags css & movie

June 2008

Showcasing the CSS Parallax Effect: 12 1 Creative Usages [Update2] › Blog › » Matthias Kretschmann | Photography & Design

Been so in love with the parallax effect that I have to post another article about it. For the non-geeks: I don’t mean measuring distances between objects in space, the parallax error in photography, any StarTrek episode, the movie Parallax View and definitely not DC Comic’s Parallax monster.

July 2006

Tom S. Weber presents: a place - also known as "blog" - where the author Tom S. Weber writes about webstandards, XHTML, CSS and other programming languages like JavaScript or Java! He do it not for work, it's just a hobby. Next to these topics you will find some entertaining movies respective clips which you really should enjoy ;)!