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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags soap & "web services"

February 2007

Station-service: Services Web BizTalk Server 2006 -- MSDN Magazine, March 2007

Ce mois-ci, je vais vous présenter l'univers passionnant de BizTalk Server 2006 et sa prise en charge pour les technologies de services Web d'aujourd'hui. Vous apprendrez à utiliser les adaptateurs SOAP et WSE (Web Services Enhancements) déjà disponibles et je vous parlerai du nouvel adaptateur Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) inclus dans BizTalk® Server 2006 R2.

January 2007

The hidden battle between web services: REST versus SOAP

by 2 others (via)
Almost everyone has at least heard of SOAP. Few people have heard of REST. But both are jockeying for the mindshare of developers trying solve problems building applications on the web. REST by virtue of existing, and SOAP largely by virtue of backing by software vendors and standards bodies.

Radovan Janecek: Nothing Impersonal: Mental Exercise

Is HTTP GET/POST enough for you? Fine. Then you are simply not the 'right target' for web services evangelists ;-)

Radovan Janecek: Nothing Impersonal: September 2004 Archives

Will there be still 97% of simple REST services on the web then? Yes, sure. WS-* does not compete with browser-oriented applications or simple-get-then-do-regexp interactions

Sam Ruby: Tolerance

acceptable levels of tolerance differ depending on whether or not a given operation is safe or not

to implement Web Services Security with the X.509 Certificate Profile, you also need to implement XML Signature (which includes XML Canonicalization and XML Exclusive Canonicalization) and XML Encryption. To correctly handle imports of WSDL1.1 documents (and validate the traffic they describe), you need to support the entire behemoth that is XML Schema -- in particular if you are attempting to support RPC-oriented SOAP, which informally requires you to support the entire XML Schema Datatypes specification. Don't forget support for SOAP with Attachments, either!

July 2006

» Amazon's SOA strategy: 'just do it' | Service-Oriented Architecture |

It doesn't matter if a partner uses REST or SOAP, he pointed out. "Our developers don't care if it's REST or SOAP. It's all about customers," he said.

June 2006

Enterprise Integration Patterns - Patterns Overview

Enterprise integration is a complex field, and there is no simple 'cookbook' answer. Patterns are accepted solutions to recurring problems within a given context. They are abstract enough to apply to most integration technologies, but specific enough to provide hands-on guidance to designers and architects. Patterns also provide a vocabulary for developers to efficiently describe their solution.

May 2006

The Cafes » REST vs. WS-*: A Parable

by 1 other (via)
A couple of years ago Water Supply-Strategic Tactical Air Recycling (WS-STAR) opened up a branch in our town. WS-* (as my IM crazy kids would type) came about from the merger of Secure Operations Air and Power (SOAP) with Expert Machine Lubrication: Radiators, Power, and Cooling (XML-RPC).

March 2006

REST wins, no-one goes home []

Let’s be realistic. No software architecture can truly withstand implementation. REST is really great, but on the web, there is plenty of detail work to be cleared out, like push, containership, encoding, side-effected GETs, curse-of-popularity, queuing, 2 versus 4 methods, universal format junk, and authentication, among others. I could go on, it’s messy out there.


by 1 other (via)
how to handle an internal product debate around REST vs. SOAP

October 2005

July 2005

June 2005

April 2005

The Difference Between RPC and Document Style WSDL

RPC style and document style are catchphrases frequently heard in the context of web services and the SOAP protocol. What exactly do they mean? How do they relate to the pair of terms "encoded/literal"? Where does the confusion about these terms come from? This article describes the WSDL binding style and use attributes.

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by 3 others
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

Which style of WSDL should I use?

A Web service is described by a WSDL document. A WSDL binding describes how the service is bound to a messaging protocol, particularly the SOAP messaging protocol. A WSDL SOAP binding can be either an RPC style binding or a document style binding. A SOAP binding can also have an encoded use or a literal use. This gives us four style/use models

March 2005

Making the Right Choices for SOAP Scalability

Each choice that you make affects the scalability and reliability of your finished application, especially when you build Web services. For example, as you will learn in this article, my study of SOAP encoding styles found a 30-fold performance improvement by choosing one SOAP encoding-style over the others. By understanding the performance impact of SOAP encoding styles, Web service development tools, application servers, and platforms, our choices greatly improve system performance.

What if SOAP had never happened?

by 1 other (via)
SOAP and its ever-growing family of specifications emerged because vendors needed something more concrete than design services to sell their customers, and because the hype wave around XML had promised too much that couldn't be delivered immediately.