public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags css & arrondi

March 2006

Nifty Corners Cube - freedom to round

by 24 others (via)
More than one year has passed from the first version of Nifty Corners. While it was more of a proof of concept, and the second version presented some big improvements, there was still something missing. So here I present Nifty Corners Cube, that are simpler and more flexible than the previous versions. Let's start.

April 2005

March 2005

Nifty Corners: rounded corners without images

by 56 others (via)
Rounded Corners with CSS are a hot topic in web design: I think that there are hundreds of articles on them. This page is intended to present the solution I came up, that doesn't requires images, extra markup nor CSS. Let's start.