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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags css & webdesign


24 ways, calendrier de l'avent du dev Web

by 70 others, 1 comment
C'est un must read chaque année, alimenté par des pointures internationales du développement Web (à base de standards évidemment)

CSS Frameworks - Hidden Pixels

CSS frameworks are usually just a collection of CSS files that set up things like basic typography, form styling, grids/simple layout, and resets, such as

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

Opera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !

hartija - Google Code

by 5 others
universal Cascading Style Sheets for web printing by uniting all best CSS printing practises into one

The seven rules of unobtrusive JavaScript

by 7 others
Do not make any assumptions, find your hooks and relationships, leave traversing to the experts, understand browsers and users, understand Events, play well with others, work for the next developer

jQuery Tutorials for Designers

by 8 others
This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery.

ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Tripoli - a CSS standard for HTML rendering

by 3 others
Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.

Css Trick - Pure Css Text Gradients

by 3 others
Text Gradient is a simple css trick that allows you to improve your site's appearance by putting gradients on system font titles using nothing but css and a png image.


A List Apart: Articles: Switchy McLayout: An Adaptive Layout Technique

by 7 others
Switchy McLayout lets you define the dimensions, information richness, and appearance of your content objects for set ranges of screen sizes. A news site, for example, could have one layout and appearance for wide screens, one for medium-sized screens, and another for PDAs. Images could shrink or even disappear according to the screen size, columns could come and go as needed to maintain readability, and you can achieve a more efficient use of the available space for each screen size.


Nifty Corners Cube - freedom to round

by 24 others (via)
More than one year has passed from the first version of Nifty Corners. While it was more of a proof of concept, and the second version presented some big improvements, there was still something missing. So here I present Nifty Corners Cube, that are simpler and more flexible than the previous versions. Let's start.


Introduction - In search of the One True Layout

by 13 others
Pure CSS-based layouts have come a long way but they still have shortcomings that fail to address certain design goals without compromising the true separation of content and presentation.

Particletree · An Overview of Current CSS Layout Techniques

by 8 others (via)
Learning how to use CSS for creating web sites is a pain in the ass. It’s not easy and it will hurt you. Over the last several years I’ve been asked by many web designers and developers about how to best get started with building web sites using CSS and standards. Usually, I’ll just send them 300 links and wish them a lot of luck. This overview is sort of my penance.

The Man in Blue > footerStickAlt: A more robust method of positioning a footer

by 9 others (via)
Based off the original footerStick, footerStickAlt sets up the Web page so that it will span the entire height of the browser window, even if the content is less than the height of the browser window.