public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags art & photographie


Set in the Street

An ongoing art project by Justin Bettman, Set in the Street consists of elaborate interior spaces made from unwanted or discarded materials and furniture. After shooting photos in the spaces, the sets are left up on the street, where passersby can shoot their own photos and share using the Instagram hashtag #SetintheStreet. The final photographs Justin shoots explore the complex ideas of perspective and perception through revealing the larger picture that we often overlook.


Daylight Digital

Our short-form editions for the iPad feature a new artist’s work twice a month, contextualized with essays by compelling writers.


The Public Domain Review |

by 3 others
The Public Domain Review is a not-for-profit project dedicated to showcasing the most interesting and unusual out-of-copyright works available online.


Fashion | Art | Sex | Travel | Live Fast Mag » Blog Archive » Art Crush: Lissy Laricchia

we’re crushing hard on her surreal self-portraits. Her creative use of gravity, light, texture and Photoshop transport you into her little imaginary world, a strange yet wonderful break from reality. We also really love her caption on her Flickr site which reads: