public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from digitalmonkey with tags :user.js & greasemonkey

April 2006

January 2006

// @name hCard Parser

// @description convert hCards into vCards (example program with unit tests)

// @name License Explorer

// @description Parse license information in web pages

// @name webnote gm

// @description collaborative stickes applied to websites // Usage: alt+n makes a new note If you're using a Mac, press ctrl+n (for some strange reason alt+n doesn't register).

December 2005

// @name microformat-find

// @description Find microcontent on a webpage

// @name Yahoo Blog Search

// @description Adds blogs search to Yahoo News search.

September 2005

// @name Delicious Auto Pager

// @description Add autoloading for next page to bookmark. Double click to enable/disable it.

June 2005

// @name LeMonde Links

// @description Rewrites LeMonde links to ask for the print article version

// @name direct download.

// @description When a default mirror is set, start download immediately.

// @name Yubnub Google Integration

// @description Adds a Yubnub button to integrate with Google search

// @name hReview extractor

// @description extract microcontent

How To Disable GreaseMonkey On Your Web Site

by 13 others
"Insert that little script in your page and GreaseMonkey is no more. The downside is of course, advertisers can do this too…"