public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from digitalmonkey with tag microformats

April 2006

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006

Microformat Base

“…it’s kinda like Google Base only with more semantics and …er… the Web”

adr - Microformats

"adr (working name, pronounced "adder") is a simple format for marking up address information, suitable for embedding in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML".

geo - Microformats

by 1 other
"geo (working name, pronounced "gee-oh") is a simple format for marking up geographic latitude longitude information, suitable for embedding in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML".

hatom - Microformats

by 4 others
"hAtom is a microformat for content that can be syndicated, primarily but not exclusively weblog postings. hAtom is based on a subset of the Atom syndication format".

hPlaylist XMDP Profile

"This document is an XMDP profile for an XHTML playlist format derived from XSPF".

[microformats-discuss] A 10 line script to identify and process any microformat | Alf Eaton | Thu Jul 28 17:48:26 PDT 2005

"The problem with all of these approaches is that once you want to parse or extract more than one microformat, you have to check each element of the page for each of a big list of possible classnames".

December 2005