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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web2.0 & greasemonkey


data: URI Generator - Convert Online Tool for Icon, image to import it in greasemonkey Script -

data: URI Generator The data: URI scheme allows you to build URLs that embed small data objects. data: URIs are supported by most modern browsers except for Internet Explorer. The lack of IE support is holding back widespread adoption of data: URIs, but they are still very useful in a couple of specific areas such as embedding graphics and other data items in Greasemonkey scripts. You can read more about data: URIs and see some examples of their use, or use the generator below to create your own. data: URIs are defined in RFC 2397.


Globex Designs Inc. - Google Redesigned

Comment changer le style de l'affichage de GMail Vous connaissez peut-être l'extension Stylish pour Firefox présentée par Falkra sur ce blog. Nous allons voir maintenant comment il est possible facilement avec l'aide de Stylish de changer le look très sobre du webmail Gmail par celui de Gmail Redesigned (by Globex Designs)

Handling Keyboard Shortcuts in JavaScript

by 8 others
Despite the many JavaScript libraries that are available today, I cannot find one that makes it easy to add keyboard shortcuts(or accelerators) to your javascript app. This is because keyboard shortcuts where only used in JavaScript games - no serious web application used keyboard shortcuts to navigate around its interface. But Google apps like Google Reader and Gmail changed that. So, I have created a function to make adding shortcuts to your application much easier.


Organize Tools on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

add a new menu to it and utilize its great batch function. Now you can collect any photos in Organize and send to the following tools. Currently three tools are available: 1. Flickr Album Maker 2. fd's Slideshow Maker 3. fd's Mosaic Maker

Flickr Code__US__Le blog des Dévellopeurs de Flickr

by 5 others
Your one-stop shop for information, gossip and discussion with the Flickr developer community. Le blog est disponible uniquement en anglais mais si vous êtes un développeur ayant déjà contribué sur le groupe Flickr Hacks et avez envie de partager un bout de votre expérience

Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider à exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

Mon flickR - Tantad

si vous naviguez dans Flickr sous firefox, je pense que vous avez quelques script Greasemonkey |en] (GM). Pour ma part j'en utilise quelques un

HTML::AutoPagerize - Utility to load AutoPagerize SITEINFO stuff -

HTML::AutoPagerize is an utility module to load SITEINFO defined in AutoPagerize. AutoPagerize is an userscript to automatically figure out the "next link" of the current page, then fetch the content and insert the content by extracting the "page element"

GetSatisfaction for better management of the Greasemonkey script feedbacks in Flickr Hacks

it makes it easy to report problem, propose new ideas or ask questions about the existing scripts. I already added a few of the script I made in the past as "products"....


Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a


Online Photo Editor _ Flickr Hack

GM Script: Online Photo Editor view profile steeev is a group administrator steeev Pro User [ INT ? ] says: I wrote a new GreaseMonkey script, called Online Photo Editor. It basically adds an edit button to the photo toolbar, clicking it takes you to an o

2005 - :Faire des scripts Greasemonkey

by 22 others, 1 comment
Le compagnon idéal de greaseMonkey. Permet de modifier une page et de sauvegardez les modifications sous la forme d'un script greaseMonkey. Le script est automatiquement appliqué lorsque vous revisitez la page.