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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags visualisation & visualization


"Ouvrir Dans Le Navigateur " :Ouvrir les Documents dans la fenêtre du navigateur - Modules pour Firefox

Offre la possibilité d'ouvrir les documents dans la fenêtre du navigateur.Avez-vous déjà été ennuyé lorsque vous voulez ouvrir un document et que la fenêtre de téléchargement apparaît qui vous force à sélectionner une application externe pour le voir ? Cette extension vous permet d'ouvrir le document directement dans le navigateur. Vous pouvez également changer le type mime du document visionné.

OutWit Images - Allows users to quickly navigate through Web pages and search engine results to harvest countless images automatically or manually. : Add-ons for Firefox

Add-on compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. OutWit Images distinguishes itself by allowing users to easily save the pictures onto their hard disk while they browse through the results. Grab images with a simple drag and drop, or by setting size or format criteria : if high-resolution pictures can be found behind the thumbnails, the program will extract them automatically. Its sleek, easy-to-use interface displays the thumbnails on a black background and allows to smoothly scroll through quantities of images, making the search efficient and easy. Very good extension for downloading images from the web. Used to like cooliris, but the autocatch feature on this makes it the better image tool.

Coupe Fédérale de Distance - C.F.D. - PARAPENTE - FFVL.FR

Liste/Recits de vols * Les derniers vols * Liste de tous les vols * Sélectionner les vols à visualiser * Liste des récits de vols (carNet) * Ajouter un récit à un vol (avec photos !) * Ajouter une trace GPS à un vol


[OSM] CORINE Land Cover,base de données géographique,Recense l'occupation des sols sur toute l'Europe....

CORINE Land Cover, c'est une base de données géographique qui recense l'occupation des sols sur toute l'Europe. La résolution est de 20 mètres et la dernière version de ces données date de 2006.Les données Corine Land Cover peuvent être affichées dans l’outil Google Earth.

AmazType - Moteur de Recherche en Flash Pour Amazon

by 32 others
Pourquoi les catalogues de nos bibliothèques ne fonctionnent-ils pas comme ça ? Tapez n'importe quoi dans la fenêtre de recherche puis entrée, moi j'ai tapé schiele par exemple mais on peut tout aussi bien taper slip, attendez un peu pendant que les images s'assemblent ne soyez pas impatients, ça vaut le coup. Bien à vous, Inline View for Greasemonkey

Adds an 'inline view...' link to pages which loads the url inside a html iframe in the bottom of every link.

Grokker - Visual search engine in a visual fashion.

by 14 others
Your results are displayed both in a standard outline and in a dynamic map you can interact with. Grokker takes advantage of Yahoo!, Wikipedia, and Amazon Books search engines to perform its queries. Results can be sorted by date, source, domain and refined selecting (or excluding) specific related keywords. Grokker is also available as a software for enterprise use.

KartOO - visual search engine

by 36 others
Can search the Web, images, videos and Wikipedia entries. Using Google, and Yahoo! search engines KartOO allows you to create a visual map where related results are linked between them. You can save and print your map, filter results using a parental filter, and filter your SERPs by language.

Viewzi - powerful visual search engine

by 5 others
Viewzi is a powerful visual search engine that provides many different possibilities to display your results. Using Yahoo!, Google and Viddler, you can search the Web, images and videos. SERPs can be arranged in stacks, along a Google timeline, for individual site information, using simple text, showing a photo tag cloud, and more. Results can be also customized as you can star or hide sites you care / don't care about. A parental filter is also available.

Ujiko - visual search engine

by 5 others
Completely web-based, Ujiko allows you to scout the Web and arrange your results in a radial outline. Available in English, German and French.

Search-cube - Visual search engin in 3D Cube

by 2 others
Search-cube is a search engine that instead displaying your results in a classic organic style, creates a 3D cube made up of visual previews. Web-based and very easy to use, Search-cube allows you to search for sites, images, and videos.

Middlespot - visual search engine in a visual fashion

Sources available for search are: Web, Images, News, Amazon and Twitter. Middlespots allows you to create as many workpads as the search terms you want to explore. Results will be displayed inside a gallery where you can zoom and re-arrange elements.

OSkope - visual search engine

by 5 others
You can visually display and explore search results for specific keywords right inside your browser window. Results from Amazon, eBay, Flickr, Fotolia, Yahoo! and YouTube can be explored in different visualizations styles like: grid, stack, pile, graph and list.

Nexplore - Search in a visual fashion - On the Web, news, videos, images, blogs and podcasts.

by 2 others
The web-based service shows also related Wikipedia definitions for your searched keywords. Results can be displayed in three ways: summary, line, gallery, and can be shared on the Internet.

EyePlorer - Semantic - not a proper visual search engine (no search for any words or phrase) Give a visual representation for common, popular facts and suggest connections with other related facts and sources

The service rather provides you with a visual representation for common, popular facts and suggest connections with other related facts and sources. All results displayed inside a colored wheel can be arranged onto a virtual notepad for later reading and sorted for relevance.

Ziipa - visual search engine for Web 2.0 web designs and application

by 1 other
Ziipa is a web-based visual search engine for Web 2.0 web designs and applications. Unlike other competitors in this field, Ziipa does not search images, videos, or other media content. Results are showed by a gallery and a tag cloud and can be shared and syndicated via RSS.

Top Visual Search Engines: The Most Interesting Ways To Visually Explore Search Engine Results - Robin Good's Latest News

1. Grokker 2. KartOO 3. Viewzi 4. Searchme 5. Quintura 6. Ujiko 7. Search-cube 8. Middlespot 9. oSkope 10. Nexplore 11. eyePlorer 12. Ziipa 13. RedZee 14. Liveplasma 15. TouchGraph Google Browser____Innovative ways to browse and explore search engine results, visual search engines may provide exactly what you have been looking for. Instead of long lists of page titles and URLs, visual search engines deliver visually rich maps of content results, often utilizing also size, color and positioning to communicate at a glance a greater array of information about the items found.

Clearly, posting parsimoniously does lead to more views per photo than posting in a batch - Vviews vs. time on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Clearly, posting parsimoniously does lead to more views per photo than posting in a batch. (But see the discussion in comments.) The distributions overlap, but it is quite evident that the right side cloud is higher than the left side cloud.

CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.

CoolFlick: As the developers put it, “CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.” Cooliris gives you a cinematic way to view the web and this mashup combines it with Flickr to give you a slick way to scroll through photo thumbnails. ReadWriteWeb’s Rick Turoczy has a good overview of this mashup. APIs used: Flickr. More at our CoolFlick profile.


30+ Mind Mapping Tools___Mashable__Une belle source d’outils de mindmapping en ligne, qu’ils soient gratuits ou payants.

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Toujours à propos du Mindmapping et des cartes mentales, je dois vous faire part de cet article de Mashable : 30+ Mind Mapping Tools.

8 outils pour visionner et rechercher des photos en ligne

Au bout d’un moment, visionner ses photos alignées les unes à coté des autres peu devenir lassant. Heureusement, il existe de nombreux outils qui permettent d’égayer vos photos de vacances ou de rendre une recherche plus agréable.

Interestingness___Créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr

Ce site créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr. Ca parait sans intérêt et pourtant, allez y faire un tour et vous comprendrez.

Visualiser son disque dur__Scanner ou encore HDGraph ___Graphiquement l'occupation de votre disque du

Etablit un bilan graphique de son occupation, sous forme de diagrammes circulaires concentriques. Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive, mais ma préférence ira à Scanner, qui ne nécessite aucune installation.