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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags visualisation & online


PHOTO - Visualistion project - Analysing and enriching a photographic collection with the Google Vision API – Catching The Rain

L'objectif de ce projet était de transformer l'affichage en ligne d'une fascinante collection de portraits de plus de 16 000 images en analysant chaque dérivé et en choisissant la «meilleure». The aim of this project was to transform the online display of a fascinating portrait collection of over 16,000 images by analysing each derivative and choosing the ‘best’ one.


FlickrSkins for the API Group on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

llows you to make online albums and sections of your flickr images. And to give them a different "skin." Here is the link to a sample album

Flickorama____Flash-based Flickr Mashup__ Impressive Pixel

Taras Novak has created a Flash-based Flickr mashup he calls Flickorama that could be the basis for a lot of new, high-quality Flickr experiences. Flickorama has a number of things going for it: * an expressive, coherent visual design; * an appreciation for the fact that juxtaposition of photographs can lead to insight; * a full-screen mode that turns the application into an interactive lightbox; * several built-in ways to visually organize image sets. You start with Flickorama by entering in a search term; here are results for Yosemite, a Flickrological favorite and a reliable source of beautiful images. Once you have results back, you can use the arrangement toolbar to organize the images on the canvas


30+ Mind Mapping Tools___Mashable__Une belle source d’outils de mindmapping en ligne, qu’ils soient gratuits ou payants.

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Toujours à propos du Mindmapping et des cartes mentales, je dois vous faire part de cet article de Mashable : 30+ Mind Mapping Tools.

Interestingness___Créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr

Ce site créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr. Ca parait sans intérêt et pourtant, allez y faire un tour et vous comprendrez.

Destroy Today / DestroyFlickr

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DestroyFlickr explores alternative methods for viewing and sharing Flickr content. Its user interface provides an environment that benefits photos rather than hindering them. With the ability to look at a photo on a dark, neutral background, you can view it without the interference of a brighter surrounding. By using workspaces and canvases, DestroyFlickr is able to retain a constant history of where you have navigated, offering the ability to revisit an area without the need to reload the entire page. DestroyFlickr takes advantage of features provided by the Adobe AIR SDK that are unavailable to web-based RIAs. With the support of both drag and drop uploading and downloading, posting and saving photos is done in one easy motion. Now you can download the highest resolution version of a photo without having to see it first—just drag a thumbnail to the download menu and the download begins.

PicsViewr-Flickr___Outil permettant de regarder ses photos sur son compte flickr d'une jolie manière cool

Il suffit juste de rentrer votre nom d'utilisateur Flickr et choisir de quelle manière vous voulez que vos photos apparaissent equal smile En voici un exemple:

TagGalaxy__New Flickr photo browser___Explores the Flickr tag-o-verse using a planet metaphorLifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done

Type in a tag you're interested in, and TagGalaxy will instantly assemble a system of planets that represent those tags. Click on a planet to browse and zoom photos. Words don't do TagGalaxy's beautiful visualization justice,


Amaznode____Carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon

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carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon . A relation based search engine for amazon which is made with adobe flash9(as3). This search engine visualize a relatioon network of products in amazon, from the statistics data "customers who