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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags userstyles & forum

26 October 2017 12:00

USERSTYLES _ GitHub - Referencing a .css file in github repo as stylesheet in a .html file - Stack Overflow

First Visit RawGit as suggested earlier Next copy your file path from github into the RawGit box RawGit will automatically produce two refrences to your web page The Development and Production refrence refrence the development link in your webpage if you are still developing save/upload then reload your webpage if there was no change it means your browser has saved your former refrence clear your browser data then reload Hope that helps?

25 October 2017 10:00

USERSTYLES - HACK - Load in Stylish button for my own site? - 2013 -

To save other people some grief, I want to note that the different hosts in extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains are SPACE separated. I assumed comma and it really tripped me up. I apologize for resurrecting a few old threads, but I just happened on one after another trying to figure this out. I want to avoid anyone else getting stuck like this

25 October 2017 09:00

USERSTYLES - DeviantArt Forum - 2014 - Installing UserStyles directly from dA – DeviantArt

Instead of having to get an account, it would be much easier to be able to install user styles directly from dA. The process for the upload could be similar to what we have with installable skins right now (based on .txt files with mandatory wrapping code). Imo it's also more logical if dA styles would stay on dA. No need to rely on outside sources. If implemented there needs to be an way to be able to update styles though, to work on bug fixes or do updates from time to time. Similar to the installable skins, you then would have an install button at the deviation page of those styles directly. This would be less scary for people who are warned that there are monsters outside dA and - which would be another big plus (i am totally not biased here lol) - it would make miscats to that gallery nearly impossible.