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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags torrent & utorrent


UTORRENT - How to Disable Ads in uTorrent

To turn off ads and offers, open Options > Preferences > Advanced. Here you'll find a large list of flags for the app and a filter box. Search for and disable the following flags: offers.left_rail_offer_enabled/left_rail_offer gui.show_plus_upsell offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled/sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled bt.enable_pulse gui.show_notorrents_node offers.content_offer_autoexec Or you can use qBittorrent.


The Pirate Bay Cleaner (Greasemonkey) : The Pirate Bay aux petits oignons | Korben

The Pirate Bay Cleaner est un userscript pour Chrome et Firefox (avec Greasemonkey) qui une fois installé permet de faire un peu de tunning sur le plus célèbre des sites de pirates. Première chose qu'on remarque après l'install, c'est que par défaut, on passe en HTTPS. Seconde chose, ce sont les 2 icônes qui apparaissent dans le coin en haut à droite. La première est un accès vers uTorrent Remote qui permet de se connecter à un client uTorrent à distance, et la seconde est le détail des options disponible


Bluetack Filters ----The Paraniod filters ( and the pipfilter.dat.gz)

The Paraniod filters ( and the pipfilter.dat.gz) are all our lists combined. Please do not use these unless you know what you are doing. Please read the FAQ page as to what is all in these lists. Note: allow about 30 minutes from the time specified above for the cache servers to cache the lists. This will increase your chances of getting a new list and decrease the chance of a corrupt download.

uTorrent's WebUI___Hack Attack: Remote control your torrents with

by 1 other
Control your BT downloads from anywhere using a full-featured web interface. With uTorrent's WebUI, you can add, remove, and manage the downloads you've got running at home no matter where you are. Hit the jump and I'll show you how to get it all set up.