public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags recherche & information

December 2017


Locate My Name will help you find distribution of names across countries and regions. The site mainly focuses on surnames, because more people with the same surname in a place, means something: either those people are in the region since long ago and the name originates from there or nearby, or members of the same family for some reason relocated there. We also have information for first names, but this this is mainly used for entertainment and curiosity and it has no historical value. To start with a surname, choose a country from the right or use the search function. If you are interested in firstnames, check the list here.

September 2016

GOOGLE - 7.2 - Request Format

The information in this section helps you create custom searches for your web site. By using search parameters, special query terms and filters in your search requests, you can refine and enhance searches to serve your needs