public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags lien & publish

August 2008

Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM) - Find broken links on your site (Contrôles des sites Web pour des liens brisés.)

by 12 others
[Icon: Xenu with a fedora hat checking a link with his galactic looking glass]Xenu's Checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time. Additional features: * Simple, no-frills user-interface * Can re-check broken links (useful for temporary network errors) * Simple report format, can also be e-mailed * Executable file smaller than 1MB * Supports SSL websites ("https:// ") * Partial testing of ftp and gopher sites * Detects and reports redirected URLs * Site Map

August 2006

Listible__Listible’s list_New Javascript Sharing Syndication Feature at Blog.Listible

Now you can share any Listible’s list on your web site and blog. A feature called “Javascript Sharing Syndication” (JSS) has been implemented. When you find a list in Listible that you think it is useful to your web site visitors, you can include a

Un didacticiel Blogger

Un didacticiel Blogger Toutes les possibilités offertes par Blogger et AudioBlogger. Dernière mise à jour : 20/06/2006 Si vous désirez faire une recherche, servez-vous du raccourci clavier Ctrl + F. Créer son propre blog Créer ou modifier un message