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GOOGLE - 7.2 - Request Format

The information in this section helps you create custom searches for your web site. By using search parameters, special query terms and filters in your search requests, you can refine and enhance searches to serve your needs


Google Maps Javascript API V3 Reference - Google Maps JavaScript API v3 — Google Developers

google.maps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType object specification Possible values for feature types. Specify these values as strings, i.e. 'administrative' or 'poi.park'. Stylers applied to a parent feature type automatically apply to all child feature types. Note however that parent features may include some additional features that are not included in one of their child feature types.

Google ccTLDs and associated Languages & codes Reference Sheet | Distilled

This list is only identifying what languages Google uses per international top level domain.


Google Ultimate Interface et Soople : Other Search Forms - Google Guide

Google Ultimate Interface: If you want to specify what you’re looking for with more precision than Google’s Advanced Search form offers, try the , a third-party application available at With the Ultimate Interface you can: * Search with any of Google’s search engines, i.e., Web Search or some of the tools in the Part named Services. * Find pages that have been updated between any two specific dates * Select letters with practically every different kind of diacritical marking, such as umlauts or accent marks, from the keyboard near the bottom of the page. Soople: If you’re not sure of all the types of information that you can search for with Google, check out Soople, I describe many of the capabilities included in Soople in the Parts Understanding Results and Search Tools.tags (keywords): advanced search, narrowing search, queries, soople, ultimate interface

Google Search Operators - Google Guide

by 15 others
Web Search allinanchor:, allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, cache:, define:, filetype:, id:, inanchor:, info:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, link:, phonebook:, related:, site: Image Search allintitle:, allinurl:, filetype:, inurl:, intitle:, site: Groups allintext:, allintitle:, author:, group:, insubject:, intext:, intitle: Directory allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, ext:, filetype:, intext:, intitle:, inurl: News allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, location:, source: Product Search allintext:, allintitle: Exercises This problem set is designed to give you experiences with search operators and practice 1. Use the site: operator to search for armchairs on IKEA’s site, ... 3. Find all pages on but not on nor on whose titles include the words “FAQ” or “help.” ... 5. Find pages whose titles include surfing that are not about surfing the World Wide Web.


Use Greasemonkey Scripts In Google Chrome - But, there are some limitations as well (as with Opera — which also supports some greasemonkey scripts) - Chrome does not support @exclude, @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, or any of the special GM_* APIs.

Well, here is how to run userscripts in chrome : * Add this flag to Google Chrome launcher : --enable-user-scripts - Now, create a folder in your user data directory. Name it as User Scripts. - Save your all GM scripts in this folder. - If you want to import all userscripts from Firefox — you need to do it manually. We have shown you the way to backup your Greasemonkey scripts. Just navigate to your GM script folder in Firefox data directory as describe in this post. Now, you can copy and paste every script’s file manuallyAnd, you are done! Restart the chrome — and visit any related site. It is quite possible that your favorite GM Script will do the magic. - Important fact : Chrome supports “Early Injection” – the ability to run scripts very early in the page’s lifecycle. In Firefox, userscripts run after page load. But in chrome, you can set it to run before page load. For this, you need to add an extra line in scripts meta data section : // @run-at document-start


Advanced Greasemonkeying — Yoan Blanc’s weblog

Jouant occasionnellement avec Greasemonkey, j’ai fait face a des problèmes récurrent liés à l’architecture de l’extention elle-même. * Comment réutiliser une bibliothèque déjà présente dans la page, * comment traiter un résultat XML * ou qu’est-ce qui fait que je n’arrive pas à mettre une Yahoo!/Google maps dynamiquement. Réutiliser une librairie(, fonction, variable) existante

Le mémento Google - Le site propose son memento pour Google - KORBEN

Le site propose son memento pour Google. C'est vraiment interressant et pratique et ca s'adresse aussi bien aux novices qu'aux hardcore-google-users. Sur ce memento, vous trouverez : # Les éléments du formulaire de recherche Google. # Les services Google # La structure des requêtes pour accèder à la liste : * Des fichiers musicaux * Des films # Une liste des opérateurs mathématique de base de Google # Une liste des opérateurs Google pour les recherches avancées. # La liste des investissements de Google # La liste des services et des outils de Google # La liste des 15 blogs officiels de Google # Des exemples de calculs avec Google # Des exemples de recherche par nombre

8 Tips To Make FireFox Search Friendly |

1. Install the Google Toolbar. 2. Take advantage of FireFox search plugins Or create your own. Let’s take a quick look at how you can create your own search plugin for any search engine or site you refer to daily: * search the site you are creating the plugin for; * copy the query string; * change your search term in the query string for {searchTerms}; * go to and complete the form as shown below; 3. Use FireFox “smart keywords” feature(it allows you to search right from the address bar). 4. Use The CyberSearch FireFox plugin (download it here).Another way to search from the address bar. It supports multiple Google services... 5. Tweak your FireFox about:config settings.Yet another way to search from the address bar. (tip by FireFox facts). 6. Use Search Bookmarklets 7. Search Highlighted Words With Multiple EnginesSearch the highlighted word using multiple search engines: KallOut8. Search The Web (Or Any Website) With One Searchy