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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags editer & css


FIR 57>+ - userChrome.css / userContent.css - WebExtensions can not modify browsers appearance in Firefox 57+

The only way to modify UI is adding custom CSS code to userChrome.css and userContent.css files inside browsers profile folder. Keep in mind CSS code can not create entirely new items, buttons or toolbars. It only can modify already present ui items. 1. Find your profile folder ('profile names are different for everyone'). All OS: about:support > Profile Folder > Open Folder 2. User styles belong into "chrome" subolder. Create it, if there is none yet. PROFILENAME chrome 3. Copy userChrome.css, userContent.css and subfolders into chrome subfolder. How to use custom user styles? The userChrome.css and userContent.css files works like an optionsconfigurations file. All main "features" can be enabled and disabled there.


EDITOR - CodeMirror - ADDON - User Manual

The addon directory in the distribution contains a number of reusable components that implement extra editor functionality


Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor)___Editer directement dans le navigateur votre page en XHTML/CSS - Recherche Google

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor) est un éditeur de pages XHTML, directement depuis votre navigateur. Outils d'édition courants (copier-coller, mettre en gras, changer la casse, mise en page, etc.) et insertion de liens etc ...


Vive les CSS !

Superbe page rassemblant "53 techniques CSS dont vous ne pourrez plus vous passer"__Au menu, des menus de navigation, des tableaux, des checkbox, des ombres, des coins arrondis, des lettrines, des sitemaps, des pieds de page, des camemberts, des barres de


Performancing___blog editor that sits right within Firefox._extension

"Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox. Just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs."