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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags editer & application


đź›  ONLINE - IMAGES - MARA: Une panoplie d'outils en ligne pour travailler les photos

Avec l’application en ligne Mara, intégralement gratuite, l’amateur a à sa disposition une panoplie d’outils complète pour effectuer tout le travail sur ses images. L’interface de Mara rassemble sur une page les divers modules pour effectuer des tâches précises sur les photos. Pour chaque module on dispose parfois de très nombreuses options de personnalisation qui sont accessibles via un menu ou des boîtes d’options. Les photos à travailler se récupèrent en local depuis le disque dur de l’ordinateur, depuis une URL pour indiquer une image se trouvant sur un site Web, depuis le presse-papier, depuis un espace de stockage en ligne Dropbox ou depuis une Webcam connectée à l’ordinateur. La liste des outils — une grosse cinquantaine — est assez conséquente et devrait suffire à combler tous les besoins en manipulations sur les photos. Comme on peut le constater tous les aspects de l’édition et de la transformation graphique sont au programme : des fonctions de base aux filtres les plus élaborés.


EDITOR - Markdown Editor - StackEdit -

StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! StackEdit is accessible offline after the application has been loaded for the first time. Your local documents are not shared between different browsers or computers. Clearing your browser’s data may delete all your local documents! Make sure your documents are synchronized with Google Drive or Dropbox (check out the Synchronization section). Once you are happy with your document, you can publish it on different websites directly from StackEdit. As for now, StackEdit can publish on Blogger, Dropbox, Gist, GitHub, Google Drive, Tumblr, WordPress and on any SSH server. Publish a document You can publish your document by opening the Publish sub-menu and by choosing a website. In the dialog box, you can choose the publication format: Markdown, to publish the Markdown text on a website that can interpret it (GitHub for instance), HTML, to publish the document converted into HTML (on a blog for example), Template, to have a full control of the output. Note: The default template is a simple webpage wrapping your document in HTML format. You can customize it in the Advanced tab of the Settings dialog. Update a publication: After publishing, StackEdit will keep your document linked to that publication which makes it easy for you to update it. Once you have modified your document and you want to update your publication, click on the button in the navigation bar.


Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider Ă  exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

Phantasmagoria: transform your images with an arsenal of cool effects - review & download link |

(scaling, rotating, cropping, annotation, etc.) to sophisticated effects : (adding background textures, applying color adjustments, distortion and warping, blurring and sharpening), etc.. It also includes Flickr and Twitter uploading support,


Flauntr__Free online photo editor with thousands of one click effects

by 7 others
Alows people to add predesigned effects onto their photos, and allows them to save each effect, so they can add more on top of it. Effects include digital scrapbooking style 'compositions', textures, light effects, overlays and colorations.

AutoKteb d'Abdel____Blog consacré aux générateurs de romans et autres outils de la cyberlittérature, proche de la générativité, de l'oulipo, etc.

by 2 others
Sur les générateurs de roman et des outils de la cyber littérature. Vous y découvrirez aussi bien des liens vers des oeuvres, des outils ou des reflexions. Au gré de l’inspiration des auteurs, on y parle aussi bien de générateurs de romans, comm

Pos Multiple Image Printing Wizard________Freewares & Tutos:

Pos Multiple Image Printing Wizard est un programme gratuit qui permet d'imprimer facilement plusieurs photos sur une même page de diverses manières. Le logiciel est livré avec des modèles de présentation et quelques effets. En outre, il permet de cr

Voicethread __Work With Flickr___The human voice around photographs

The human voice around photographs.This one is really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of ph

Voicethread____allows the viewers of photo albums to leave voice comments through a flash interface.

Really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of photo albums to leave voice comments through a flash

Giant online image editors comparison chart

There are ten online image editors here, everything from Snipshot to LookWow; and over 25 features are meticulously charted (does it resize? will it remove red-eye?). Make sure you check the Features legend; it goes from "the feature is not available" to


Hair on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Auntnanny, because she is evil, pointed me to this Clairol thingie where you can try different hairstyles and colors on your face. Heinous and fascinating. She even took a photo of me, in which I don't look terribly drunk or psychotic, and for that I am g

Performancing for Firefox | Performancing.com___Blog Editor extension The best !

by 23 others
The Performancing extension scored as the highest desktop blog editor on our poll. Performancing is a free Firefox extension which allows you to draft and publish posts. It has support for, Technorati, pingbacks/trackbacks and FTP. Performanci

PXN8.COM - Photos Made Easy

by 40 others
un module de transfaormation at d'ajustement d'image, les votres aussi , en ligne...