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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags documentation & extension


XUL (XML User Interface Language) - MDC

XUL (XML User Interface Language) is Mozilla's XML-based language that lets you build feature-rich cross platform applications that can run connected or disconnected from the Internet. These applications are easily customized with alternative text, graphics and layout so they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL quickly and can start building applications right away. Open XUL Periodic Table in Firefox or another Gecko-based browser to see some XUL demos.

UserScript Writing 101 – Manuel of Things to learn -

The Order of Things to Learn Look to the "Resources" section for places to learn about these. 1. HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. Not the same "language" as JavaScript. This is a markup language, meaning it's a bunch of text that is meant to represent some type of structure, in this case, a web page. 2. XML. Extensible Markup Language. In case you didn't realize, HTML itself is a type of "XML". Learning XML is important because many popular websites (YouTube, Facebook, use XML to interact with data. Since you already know HTML by this point, understanding XML should be cake. 3. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets. This is the way HTML (should be) stylized. You'll want to learn this. 4. JavaScript. Learn all the basics: data types, functions, JavaScript's native functions like prompt, alert, etc. 5. The Greasemonkey Extras. Like I said, Greasmonkey == JavaScript, with a lot of extras. A specific page listing the API's can be found here.

Zotero - Plutôt réservée aux étudiants et chercheurs souhaitant construire un corpus bibliographique

Scrapbook et Zotero Scrapbook vous permet d’enregistrer tout ou partie d’une page - par exemple pour une lecture ultérieure - mais ne s’arrête pas là ! Vous pourrez surligner des passages intéressants, classer ou annoter les pages enregistrées et bien entendu y effectuer des recherches. Zotero est quant à elle une extension proposant un certain nombre de fonctionnalités équivalentes, mais est plutôt réservée aux étudiants et chercheurs souhaitant construire un corpus bibliographique (Zotero s’interfaçant par exemple avec pour y lister les citations que vous aurez trouvées sur le web). Zotero est bien plus complexe à prendre en main que Scrapbook, mais est beaucoup plus complet et peut quasiment se substituer au logiciel EndNote bien connu des chercheurs, documentalistes et autres thésards.


Zotero __Zotero's plugin for Microsoft Word___Microsoft Word Integration [Zotero Documentation]

Le logiciel de gestion de références (biblio et autres)... pour utiliser pleinement Zotero avec "l'interaction" avec un Traitement de texte... c'est vraiment bien fait et simple avec MSword..


How to create Firefox extensions

by 25 others
Everyone has a good idea at one time or another to implement a new feature in a web browser. Well, with the goodness that is Mozilla Firefox, now you can do just that. You need to have a vague understanding of XUL and Javascript, but you certainly don’t

Zotero ________Extension firefox ------Ressource documentation

by 1 other
Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources:


Using Platypus__extension pour voir et modifier page web

Platypus is a tool for changing a web page (such as removing an ad) and optionally creating a Greasemonkey script to make that same change then next time you visit that page. To save scripts, you need to have Greasemonkey installed. To share a Platypus