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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags dev & css


đź›  KID - GAME / DEV CSS - Colouring with code |

Do you like colouring books? Are you getting a little bored and running out of things to do at home? Well, I have created some digital colouring pages that you can colour with code. There is a lot going on in the world right now so I wanted to share something lighthearted and fun. Something everyone can take part in and share with their friends and family online.


CSS - TRICKS - Coloring SVGs in CSS Background Images by Noah Blon on CodePen

I love using SVG in CSS background images but it sucks that you can't alter the fill color easily within your CSS. Here are a few ways around that. # SVG in CSS backgrounds: Using SVG in CSS backgrounds allows you to use CSS's powerful background sizing and position properties. This makes sizing SVGs much simpler because the image easily scales to the size of your element. Plus you don't have SVG cluttering up your markup. There are also some nice performance benefits over inline SVG. An SVG in a background image can be cached. Using image sprites and embedding SVG as a data URI can also improve performance.


DEV - TUTORIAL - Scrimba - Scrimba is a powerful new way of learning code. Play around with the instructors code any time, right in the player.

Scrimba is a new way of teaching and learning how to code. We call it interactive code screencasts. Here’s why it's a great way of learning.

CSS - PRO TIPS - CSS element() function - [: -moz-element()]Vincent De Oliveira

element() brings CSS design to a new level, in an easily way. Few ideas that comes to my mind (some that I've already used since the last 4 years): - when you have to deal with duplicated content in advanced effects - live thumbnails of previous/next slides in a slideshow - live zoom over an image, for example in an e-commerce product page - animated background, using CSS Animations or by referencing a video, canvas or SVG - faking backdrop-filter or filter() - watermark with multiples backgrounds from Lea Verou idea - and anything you’re currently thinking of ;) Few things we can note: - prefixed for now in Firefox: -moz-element() - impact on rendering performance when using multiple reference. Not as bad as CSS filters, but still something you have to consider - there’s a CanIUse support page - Issue Chromium - Issue WebKit - No mention from IE Platform Status

DEV - Great Resources Every Beginning a Front-end Developer Should Bookmark by vydargis on CodePen

If you just get started your a front-end developer career, it might be overwhelming to learn something every day. To optimize your time, it might be useful to know solid resources, to keep up with a demanding programmers’ environment. In this brief article, you will find 6 useful resources that in my opinion I think every beginning a front-end developer career should bookmark.

DEV - FORMATION - Thimble par Mozilla — Un éditeur de code en ligne pour apprendre et enseigner

Thimble est un éditeur de code en ligne qui facilite la création et la publication de vos propres pages web tout en apprenant le langage HTML, CSS et le JavaScript

CSS - FirePath :: Reviews :: Add-ons for Firefox

An alternative or Update ? Rated 5 out of 5 stars by decembre on Feb. 21, 2018 · permalink When i write an Userstyle it is (was) the primary tool i use with Firebug. Now i search an alternative for this great tool: The devtool don't give us the possibility to search or test a specific CSS selector like Firepath do. And in an other hand the DevTool is less useful than Firebug (it don't give an easy way to identify in which userstyle a CSS rule is - with an human reading way)

CSS - CSS last-line: Controlling Widows & Orphanst - The new code –

“Widows” and “orphans” refer to a word or line of text that is laid out on the page in a way that disturbs reading flow and the “look” of the page: most commonly, words that are left dangling at the end of paragraphs. In paginated media, this is commonly seen as end-of-paragraph words that fall onto the next page. TRADUCTION: "Veuves" et "orphelins" se réfèrent à un mot ou une ligne de texte qui est disposé sur la page d'une manière qui perturbe le flux de lecture et le "look" de la page: le plus souvent, les mots qui restent à la fin de paragraphes. Dans les médias paginés, ceci est généralement vu comme des mots de fin de paragraphe qui tombent sur la page suivante

DEV - TUTO - the new code – Web Developer Reading List: CSS Typography

A well-known dictum states that web design is 95% typography. Despite the prevalence of rich media, videos and games, people come to the web primarily to read. Making that reading experience comfortable, interesting and enjoyable is a major factor in keeping people on web sites longer and enhances their ability to retain and remember information. Goals: Control the display of web page text to enhance communication. Prerequisite: Color Total time: 8 hours


USERSTYLES - EXAMPLE - ss16 a Fresh attempt at (user)styling 4chan.... (2017)

ss16 - a self-centered, fresh attempt at (user)styling 4chan * * created on: February 11th, 2016 * last modified: May 16th, 2017 * 4chan X version: ccd0 / * created by: @saxamaphone69 * (loose) coding style: * * in an attempt to make the style as user-friendly as possible, i will * comment most of the css to explain what it all does * * please leave any comments, suggestions, or feedback on github: * * */ /** * this userstyle utilises a lot of best practices * and sensible defaults inspired from a variety of * stylish and modern web frameworks and resources, mainly: * */ /** * first thing we do, is we use web fonts from google! * this is so users aren't required to download fonts prior. * and of course, if you don't want to or don't like it, * delete or change it accordingly. we use roboto, roboto mono, * karla, and material icons. circular has been removed in the production * version of ss16 to not only keep the file size down, but also * to not have a font that i don't own the license for :^) */

DEV - CHROM - 2015 - Six Tips for Chrome DevTools | CSS-Tricks

This post will cover six popular tips for Chrome DevTools. You may have seen some of these before, but hopefully if you have they'll act as a refresher for what you can do during your Inspect Element journey.

JAVASCRIPT - How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? - Stack Overflow

Is there something in JavaScript similar to @import in CSS that allows you to include a JavaScript file inside another JavaScript file?


jQuery.copyCSS: Quick, simple jQuery extension to retrieve or copy all styles (with optional whitelist and blacklist) from an HTML element.

CSS + STYLUS - Stylus et les préprocesseurs CSS (en guise d’introduction) · Les intégristes

Première question : qu’est-ce qu’un préprocesseur ? Un préprocesseur est un programme qui procède à des transformations sur un code source, avant l’étape de traduction proprement dite (compilation ou interprétation). source Wikipedia. Dans le cas d’un préprocesseur CSS la syntaxe simplifiée ou enrichie en entrée est analysée et compilée en un langage que nous connaissons tous et que nous utilisons au quotidien : CSS.

CSS - DESIG ONLINE TOOL - Responsive web design tool, CMS, and hosting platform | Webflow

Webflow gives designers and developers the power to design, build, and launch responsive websites visually, while writing clean, semantic code for you.

DEV - Web developer guides | MDN

Web developer guides. These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.

DEV - Modernizr - Alsacreations

Modernizr est voué à la détection des fonctionnalités navigateurs via JavaScript. Il permet de prévoir des alternatives (basées sur d'autres bibliothèques) pour les moteurs ne supportant pas l'une ou l'autre des propriétés CSS, HTML, etc.

CSS - ONLINE TOOL - How to Center in CSS

by 3 others
Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. There seems to be a gazillion ways to do it, depending on a variety of factors. This consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation. Select the type of content you want to center in a parent div and the size of the parent.

FIREFOX - DEV - BROWSER TOOLBOX - change color of firefox bookmarks menu -

you can use Firefox menu->Developer->BrowserToolbox to examine UI elements and play with CSS. After you open it, click OK in the main browser window, wait a few seconds for the toolbox to initiliaze, then use the first button in its toolbar to pick an element (bookmarks button in your case).


CSS - TUTORIEL - SASS - Les préprocesseurs CSS, c’est senSass ! - Alsacreations

Un préprocesseur CSS est un outil (ou programme) permettant de générer dynamiquement des fichiers CSS. L’objectif est d’améliorer l’écriture de ces fichiers, en apportant plus de flexibilité au développeur web (source : Wikipedia). Les préprocesseurs CSS les plus couramment employés sont aujourd’hui Sass, LESS (dont nous avons déjà parlé), PostCSS et Stylus.


CSS - ANIMATION - iHover Hover Effects powered by pure CSS3

iHover is an impressive hover effects collection, powered by pure CSS3, no dependency, work well with Bootstrap 3!

CSS - ONLINE Tool - Bounce.js

Bounce.js is a tool and JS library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations.

DEV - TEST tool - - Quick and simple image placeholders

by 8 others
Welcome to A quick and simple image placeholder service. How does it work? Just put your image size after our URL and you'll get a placeholder.

VIDEO Player - jPlayer Developer Guide : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery

jPlayer 2.9.2 Developer Guide_ If you are new to jPlayer, check out the Quick Start Guide.