public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags css & script


USERSTYLES - JAVASCRIPT - Convert an Userstyle into a greasemonkey script ? -

I have an huge Style , impossible (for me) to compress more to publish here ... I want find a way to convert it , automatically if it is possible, into an greasemonkey .


USERSTYLES - DeviantArt Forum - 2014 - Installing UserStyles directly from dA – DeviantArt

Instead of having to get an account, it would be much easier to be able to install user styles directly from dA. The process for the upload could be similar to what we have with installable skins right now (based on .txt files with mandatory wrapping code). Imo it's also more logical if dA styles would stay on dA. No need to rely on outside sources. If implemented there needs to be an way to be able to update styles though, to work on bug fixes or do updates from time to time. Similar to the installable skins, you then would have an install button at the deviation page of those styles directly. This would be less scary for people who are warned that there are monsters outside dA and - which would be another big plus (i am totally not biased here lol) - it would make miscats to that gallery nearly impossible.


jQuery - Does jQuery .remove() clear out loaded javascript when it is used to remove a script tag? - Stack Overflow

No. Once a script is loaded, the objects and functions it defines are kept in memory. Removing a script element does not remove the objects it defines. This is in contrast to CSS files, where removing the element does remove the styles it defines. That's because the new styles can easily be reflowed. Can you imagine how hard it would be to work out what a script tag created and how to remove it? EDIT: However, if you have a file that defines myFunction, then you add another script that redefines myFunction to something else, the new value will be kept. You can remove the old script tag if you want to keep the DOM clean, but that's all removing it does. EDIT2: The only real way to "clean up" functions that I can think of is to have a JS file that basically calls delete window.myFunction for every possible object and function your other script files may define. For obvious reasons, this is a really bad idea.

BOKMARKLET - jQuery UI dialog in Bookmarklet and GreaseMonkey - Stack Overflow

Thanks to some awesome answers in other threads, I learned how to: load jQuery and jQuery-UI in a bookmarklet load a CSS into a bookmarklet using jQuery create a DIV in a bookmarklet using jQuery create jQuery UI dialog (external link) and I could manage to combine all four things into a single script which works both as a BookMarklet and as a GreaseMonkey script, which is absolutely awesome.


GOOGLE - GUIDE - How-to for Google Greasemonkey/Userstyles authors.... | Everything Else

by 1 other
Google , que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas savoir , tourne trois modèles de page de cette écriture . Les deux premiers héritent beaucoup de code de l'autre , mais encore besoin de règles CSS séparées pour cibler la barre de navigation et d'autres éléments de la page , la dernière (troisième) conception exige un ciblage tout à fait différent .


Phoenix :: Add-ons for Firefox

An editor with real time syntax highlighting which allows edit, run and test CSS, HTML and JavaScript code. Phoenix will tell you how many CSS and JS files are loaded into a page, how big these are,... - Tags on left, meta on right |

Move the tag chain to the left and left-align it, and move all the various things that end up in the "meta" div to the right. What the meta div holds depends on the page you're viewing. When viewing your own bookmarks, the meta div contains the group of action links (share/edit//delete). On the Network view and when browsing the site by tag, it holds the account name of the person who contributed the link. On the search results page and when browsing Popular bookmarks, it has the "First saved by" information.


Reformat Table script - Recherche Google

table tableau htlm formater personnaliser script css greasemonkey firefox reformater

Scripts et CSS sur Dynamic Drive | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog

Tout le monde doit connaitre DynamicDrive (un site au PR 8 ) ?? Un des meilleurs sites où l’on peut obtenir des scripts DHTML, Ajax et Javascript sur Internet. Le site propose aussi une suite d’outils fort bien sympatiques et notamment : * Un outil pour optimiser d’images * Un générateur de Favicon * Un outil de cryptage pour adresse mail * Des outils pour vos fichiers .htaccess. * Un générateur de boutons 80×15 * Un générateur d’arrière-plans en dégradé. Vous trouverez également une partie du site dédié aux CSS :

CleanItUp –

Lets you clean up a page by putting instructions in url (css, xpath selecting, regexp and more)



Aardvark : a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements .

by 34 others
The Aardvark Firefox extension is a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements ... Things You Can Do With Aardvark : Clean up unwanted banners and surrounding "fluff," e

Performancing___blog editor that sits right within Firefox._extension

"Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox. Just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs."

2005 - :Faire des scripts Greasemonkey

by 22 others, 1 comment
Le compagnon idéal de greaseMonkey. Permet de modifier une page et de sauvegardez les modifications sous la forme d'un script greaseMonkey. Le script est automatiquement appliqué lorsque vous revisitez la page.