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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags about:config & problem


WATERFOX - ABOUT:CONFIG - To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0- Do not forget to enable Stylo(Quantum CSS).... : waterfox

If you have prolem, you can test that: To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0: >about:config >SEARCH : layout.css.servo. > CHANGE layout.css.servo.enabled TO false – then either (a) reload any page that may be bugged by Stylo in 56.1.0; or (b) restart Waterfox.


FIREFOX - 3 Step Problem Fix/Solution for Continuous Mozilla Firefox Freezing | Blogiac - A Journal of Personal Views on Things

Continuously, after a fixed time interval, the browser freezes/becomes unresponsive momentarily, and then becomes responsive again. === TRY : Type "about:config" === Find or locate the preference "dom.min_background_timeout_value" === open up the dialogue box "Enter Integer Value" === change the previous value (which will be y default less than 1000) to a very large value, lets say 1000000