public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags ruby & free

29 January 2006

FreeRIDE: IDE for the Ruby

This is the home page for FreeRIDE, an IDE for the Ruby programming language. FreeRIDE will run on as many platforms as possible (currently runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X). The goal of FreeRIDE is simple, yet ambitious: to become THE cross-platform IDE of choice for the Ruby community. We want FreeRIDE to be a first-class IDE on par with those available for other languages.

27 January 2006

KavaScript - for the discriminating coder

by 1 other (via)
KavaScript breathes new life into JavaScript by extending it with syntax and features inspired by expressive, dynamic languages like Ruby and Perl. KavaScript is an enhanced dialect of JavaScript designed to make your coding more productive, rewarding, and fun.

10 January 2006

*** APPRENDRE à PROGRAMMER avec Ruby - Christopher David PINE ***

by 2 others
Document PDF - Traduction de Jean-Pierre ANGHEL - Si vous voulez programmer un ordinateur, vous devez "parler" dans une langue que votre machine comprendra : un langage de programmation. Il existe de nombreux langages de ce type, et certains sont même excellents. Dans ce tutoriel j’ai choisi d’utiliser mon langage de programmation favori, Ruby.

RubyCentral : The Source for Ruby

Welcome to RubyCentral, a growing web resource for everything to do with the Ruby language. See : Links & Downloads sections

*** Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby ***

by 29 others
This is just a small Ruby book. It won’t crush you. It’s light as a feather (because I haven’t finished it yet—hehe). And there’s a reason this book will stay light: because Ruby is simple to learn.